





九年级 unit 5(仁爱版)

发布者: dongluonan | 发布时间: 2009-5-14 23:00| 查看数: 2100| 评论数: 2|

一、 词汇检查

1 说出下列单词的意思

1. guide ________ province __________ plateau ________ surround ________

2. attraction _____ tourist attraction _______ scenery ________ surrounding ______

3. location _________ oriental ________ pearl _______ Oriental Pearl ___________

4. peak ________ gambling __________ gambling house _________ ruin _________

5. various _________ latest __________ bar _______ license ________ giraffe____

6. neck _________ rather _______ freeze _______ mild ________ sunshine _______

7. flour ________ plain _________ philosopher __________ captain ____________

8. sail _________ coast _______ equipment _________ compass _______hybrid ___

9. hybrid rice ________________ revolution __________ overseas_____ principle__

10. Three Principles of the People ________________ lecture _________________

11. chairman _________ attack __________ grand __________ roof ___________

12. imperial ____________ carve __________ tail ________ unique __________

13. wooden _________ chess _____________ peasant _________ battlefield ____

14. cocoa ___________ porcelain __________ export _________ firewood _____

15. sauce ____________ vinegar ____________ diamiss __________ gunpowder___

16. sailor ___________ bark ___________ rag ___________ clay __________

2) 写出单词和短语

1. 吸引

旅游者, 观光者(

2. 一些, 许多


3. 去取来, 去带来(

介绍, 引见(

4. 位于(


5. 在。。。上面(


6. 实现(


7. 如此。。。以至于(


8. 想起, 考虑(

损坏, 分解(

9. 拿走(

厚的(  ) 先驱, 倡导者( )

10. 仁慈, 善良(  ) 花费。。。做。。()

11. 击败, 战胜(  ) 为。。。而骄傲(

12. 骄傲, 自豪(

不幸地, 不巧地(

13. 贸易, 买卖(

奖赏, 奖品(

14. 一。。。就。。。(

取得, 达到(

15. 去世, 消失(

遗憾, 懊悔(

16. 主席, 会长(

擦净, 擦干(

17. 彻底消灭, 全部摧毁(

安全, 保险(

18. 敌人() 害怕, 恐惧() 等候( )

19. 小学生() 说明, 教导( )

20. 私人的, 个人的(  ) 拥有者, 物主(  )

21. 带领(某人) 参观( ) 正确的()

22. 年纪较长的( ) 答应, 诺言(  )

23. 既不。。。也不。。。(  ) 

24. 渴的, 缺水的(  ) 饥饿的()

25. 记忆, 回忆() 为了纪念()

26. 成立, 创建(  ) 主要的, 较大的(  )

27. 话题(  ) 工程师( )

28. 发现(  ) 烟火, 焰火( ) 


dongluonan 发表于 2009-5-14 23:01:55
本帖最后由 dongluonan 于 2009-5-14 23:06 编辑

三. 课文重难点

Topic 1

1. Could you tell me something about the places that you visited?

a. Could you tell me something about ….? _________________________

A. Could you get me _________ to eat?

A. anythingB. something C. delicious something

B. Would you like ______________ tea?

A. any B. some C. to

b. the places that you visited _____________________________

A. 你读书的学校 ____________________________________

B. 我爸爸买的书 _____________________________________

C. 他们种的数 ________________________________________

D. 骑单词的男孩 ____________________________________

E. 住在我隔壁的男人 ____________________________________

2. It is two years since they came to China.

a. It is ( + time ) + since + 一般过去时的句子。____________________________

A. 自从上次见到你已经有三年了。

It is _____________________________I _______you last time.

A.It is four years since he _____________ to my school.

A. has come B. came C. has been

3. How much do you know about China?

4. There are many places of interest which attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year.

a. millions of _______________all over the world _______________

A. There are ________________ sheep in Australia.

A. million ofB seven millions of C. millions of

5. There are a great number of rivers in China. Among them, the Yangtze River is the longest one and the second longest is the Yellow River.

a. a great number of + 复数名词 ________________________

A. A great number of students _________ ( be) planting trees on the hill now.

b. among _______________ between _________________

B. The teacher is ____________ the students.

A. among B. betweenC. in

c. the second longest ____________________

C. He is the third ______________ boy in my school.

A. tall B. tallerC. tallest

6. I can fetch you Guide to China.

a. fetch ________________. Bring ___________ take ___________ carry _______

7. It is a book which introduces China in detail.

a. in detail _________________

A. 你能详细的给我讲讲事故的经过吗?

Could you tell me the _________________________________?

8. What a beautiful place!

a. _________ decilious food!

b. ___________ fine weather!

c. ____________ beautiful flowers!

d. ____________ beautiful those flowers is!

e. ______________ big house!

f. _____________ interesting the book is!

9. It is Mount Tai that lies in Shangdong Province.

a. lie in …. ____________________

A. Mount Huangqi lies _________ Jieyang City.

A. atB. toC. in

10. Have you ever been there before?

a. 你以前读过这本小说吗?

Have you ___________ read this novel ____________?

11. Have you ever been to Tibet?

a. have been to + 地点 ______________________ have gone to + 地点________

have been in + 地点 _______________________

A. 她来中国三年了。 She _________________________for three years.

12. We had a lot of fun there.

a. have a lot of fun _____________________

13. They made us surprised and excited.

a.. make sb + 形容词 ______________________

A. Reading makes us _______________.A. happyB happily

14. They are well worth visiting.

A. be well worth doing …________________________

A. This book which was written by Yu Qiuyu is well worth ________.

A. read B. to readC. reading

15. The weath there changes a lot.

a.change a lot _____________; thanks a lot _______________ help a lot _______

a lot of water ____________ a lot of books _____________ a lot easier _________

16. It seemed that we experienced four seasons in a day.

a. He has rich _______________________in teaching English.

b. My father had a lot of dangerous ______________________when he was young.

c. I think I have ___________________ a lot of unforgetable ________________.

17. What a surprise! ____________________

18. That is the most fantastic place that I have ever heard of.

a. It is the most beautiful bird _____we have ever seen.

A. which B. thatC. what

b. hear of _________________

A. I have never ________________ you before.

A.heard of B. heard C. hear from

19. I think your dream will come true this summer vacation.

a. come true ______________________

20. Do you know where it happened?

a. happen _______________ take place _____________

A. I ______________________(碰巧) to be there at that time.

B. The love story ________________ on West Lake.

A. happenedB. was happenedC. took place

C. The wedding _________________ last night.

A. took placeB. happenedC. was taken placed

21. West Lake is one of the most beautiful lakes in China.

a. one of + 最高级+ 复数名词 _______________________________

A. It is one of _____________________houses in this city.

A. most expensiveB. more expensiveC. the most expensive

22. It attracts lots of tourists form home and abroad every year.

a. attract ______________________ tourists from home and abroad_____________

23. West Lake is surrounded on three sides by mountains.

a. be surrounded ______________ on three sides by mountains ____________

24. West Lake has become famous not only because of its special scenery but also because of some beautiful poems that were written mainly by Bai Juyi and Su Dongpo.

a. not only ….but also…______________ because of ___________

A. Not only my brother but also I ________ interested in the place.

A. are B. isC. am

B. He didn’t come to school ____________the illness.

A. because B. because ofC. instead of

25. Hong Kong is known as Oriental Pearl and Shopping Heaven.

a. be known as…. _________________be known for ___________________

A. Yu Qiuyu is known __________ a great writer.And he is known _____his many novels.

26. People regard Macao as the Gambling City.

a. regard …as… ___________________

A. He is regarded _____________ a great leader.

A. toB. asC. for

27. As you know, Taiwan is considered as the Treasure Island of China.

a. as you know ________________ be considered as….. _________________

28. If you come to China for a visit, don’t miss them.

a. come to ..for a visit ____________________miss doing sht ___________

A. If it ___________ tomorrow, I won’t go to see you.

A. will rainB. rainsC. doesn’t rain

B. I wonder if he ___________ to see me tomorrow.

A comesB. will comeB. would come

C. I missed _______________the last bus yesterday.

A. to takeB. taking C. take

29. The temperature often stays below zero.

a. below zero _______________

30. People’s way of life in the north is quite different from that in the south.

a. be different from … ______________ that in the south _____________

A. Your country is quite different ___________mine.

A.for B. from C. to

B. The weather in Beijing is colder than _________ in Guangzhou.

A. thoseB. itC. that
zf87 发表于 2009-9-27 13:15:22
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