





NCE3 Composition: A puma at large

发布者: 浅浅如水 | 发布时间: 2009-5-17 13:50| 查看数: 2149| 评论数: 1|

Mrs.Stone had spent the whole morning..................It was nearly lunch time ,so she decided.........She was just.....when she heard a noise in ...........Then she saw an animal which..........She knew it was not a cat because........

The animal suddenly.............and she thought it was going to .............She dropped her basket and ...........Hearing

the sound ,the animal...........after wich,Mrs.Stone ........................and ran all the way home.She told her neighbours

that ............but they did not believe her .She also telephoned the police but they.............


浅浅如水 发表于 2009-5-17 14:00:09
Mrs.Stone had spent the whole mornig on picking upblackberries.Itwasnearly lunch time

,so she decided to have a lunch .She has just collected her all things to ready to go home when she heard a noise in the forest ten yards away from her .Then she saw an animal whichhas

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