






发布者: twemty | 发布时间: 2009-5-21 10:17| 查看数: 1237| 评论数: 1|

A group of private Russian citizens is seeking to establish a network of corruption victims as a means of advancing President Dmitri Medvedev's plans to battle the country's oppressive bureaucracy and courts. Participants at an organizational meeting in Moscow defined the extent of the problem, but raised questions whether citizens can fight corruption if government employees not only benefit from it, but actively undermine reform efforts.

Activists from several civic groups held a roundtable at Moscow's Independent Press Center to discuss the extent of Russian corruption and what could be done about it. A few victims of corruption gave personal accounts of bureaucrats who cheat the system to deprive people of property, money and rights.

Yuri Arkhipov of the independent Corruption Commission said some people in Russia's notoriously corrupt bureaucracy are interested in reforms, but they are hounded by a majority that abuses authority to make money.

Arkhipov says honest bureaucrats are outcasts who are surrounded by an atmosphere of intolerance, because they are not convenient to bureaucrats or embezzlers, whose main goal is to cast the minority aside. The main question, to Arkhipov, is whether the bureaucratic apparatus wants someone to document corruption.

At the same, time, Yuri Zinichev of the All-Russian Corruption Witness Network, says Russia can blossom if a connection is made between the country's government and people.

Zinichev says if Russians combine efforts then no special organizations will be needed. He notes there already are government institutions - the executive, legislative and judicial branches, and also non-commercial organizations that receive government funding to solve such problems. Zinichev says all that is needed is the establishment of effective relations among these institutions.

Valeriy Gabisov of the independent Civil Rights Committee noted that corruption exists everywhere and can at best be minimized, not eliminated. Gabisov chided participants for failure to discuss more specific measures, and noted the brutal lengths to which corrupt officials go if they are exposed in the press.

Gabisov says that as soon as an editor in the regions begins to say reasonable things, they smash his head, declare him mentally ill or put him in prison on whatever charges.

The only government official at the meeting was a young Interior Ministry representative who was asked to convey the group's documents to his superiors. Whether anything happens remains to be seen. President Medvedev said on Tuesday that no one is dizzy with success over Russia's struggle with corruption and that Russians are at the very, very beginning of the road in the fight against it.


twemty 发表于 2009-5-21 10:18:05

  一群俄罗斯平民正在寻求建立一个腐败受害人网站,做为推动俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫打击国内专制官僚作风和法庭计划的一种手段。在莫斯科举行的筹备会上,与会者对上述问题的严重性进行了说明,不过他们也提出这样的问题,即如果政府雇员不仅从腐败行为中渔利,而且还积极破坏改革工作,公民是否可以打击这种腐败行动。  几个公民组织的活动人士在莫斯科独立媒体中心举行圆桌会议,讨论俄罗斯腐败的程度以及可能的对策。几位腐败行为的受害者亲自向人们讲述了官僚官员的做法,他们欺骗目前的社会制度,以夺取他人的财产、金钱并剥夺他们的权利。









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