






发布者: 阑珊心语 | 发布时间: 2009-5-21 15:30| 查看数: 1528| 评论数: 2|

Just having a break from work is not enough suggests new research, it is activities in the open air which have the strongest restorative effects on our mental states.

Everyone gets down sometimes - it's only natural. It would be more unusual never to be depressed. The idea that depression is an on-off condition with a purely chemical foundation is a myth no psychologist would endorse. The causes of depression can be many and widespread. But one cause many of us have to cope with is work.

One of the main weapons against stress building up from work is going on vacation. Holidays are a firmly established way of allowing the mind and body to recuperate. In new research, however, published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, Hartig, Catalano and Ong (2007) find that all holidays are not created equal.

Getting out in the open

The lead author of this paper, Terry Hartig, lives and works in Sweden, a country well known for its long, dark winters. As such, the Swedes know the importance of getting out in the sunshine, when it finally arrives. There is even a law requiring employers to provide four consecutive weeks of holiday in the summer. And it's actually this law that is crucial to Hartig et al's findings.

Hartig and colleagues suggest that being stuck indoors on vacation can limit mental recuperation. On the other hand, when able to roam outdoors, we can exert ourselves at a favourite sport or simply linger in the park. Psychologically, beautiful scenery can distract us from our troubles, help us forget our normal stressful environments and reconnect us to nature.

This is a nice theory that is intuitively attractive and plausible. The problem is how to test it scientifically.


阑珊心语 发表于 2009-5-21 15:30:58


我们对付工作压力的利器之一就是去度假。度假毫无疑问是一个让身心都放松的方式。然而新的刊登在环境心理学Hartig, Catalano 和 Ong (2007)杂志的研究发现并不是所有假期都有同样的效果。


这份论文的主要作者Terry Hartig工作且生活在瑞典,一个因其漫长昏暗的冬天而闻名的国家。因此,瑞典人知道外出享受阳光的重要性,尤其当它到来时。瑞典甚至颁布一项法律要求雇主在夏天提供连续四个星期的假日。而正是这项法律在Hartig的发现中至关重要。


悠然 发表于 2009-5-21 15:42:44
Everyone gets down sometimes - it's only natural.

we shoudgo out in the open
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