





“一见钟情”其实不存在 产生真爱需一年

发布者: 阑珊心语 | 发布时间: 2009-6-7 15:55| 查看数: 1367| 评论数: 4|

摘要:MANY old romantics will beg to differ...but scientists reckon there's no such thing as love at first sight. In fact, they claim it takes a year for couples to find true romance. 英国科学家最近提出了一种浪漫主义者们绝对不会同意的论断,那就是世上并不存在所谓的“一见钟情”,一对恋人要想发现真爱至少要花上1年的时间

So that knotted feeling in the stomach when you first spot the person you want to share the rest of your life with is not the real thing, according to researchers. True love is a "combination of passion, intimacy and commitment" which does not kick in until about 12 months into a relationship.

A study of 147 couples who met through online dating agency Match.com found that 61 per cent had high levels of the three components - and most had been together a year. Around 16 per cent experienced "companionate love", with intimacy and commitment but not much passion. Those who had just met or had not been together long were going through what the researchers from Bath University called non-love, with low levels of all three ingredients.

Study chief Dr Jeff Gavin said: "To date there has been no systematic study of relationships formed online. Love is an important predictor of success, stability and relationship satisfaction. It is a multi-faceted concept."


阑珊心语 发表于 2009-6-7 15:55:39


tezukazyunko 发表于 2009-6-7 22:26:53
i think one year is worth waiting!
晓叁 发表于 2009-6-7 23:20:36
fairy8866 发表于 2009-6-8 10:15:32
i trust and believe this concept very much! true love need time to wait ,but sometimes, people get their true love with the time gone, they hold it but they dont know, so they lost due to uncherish.
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