





You need to check the credit limit

发布者: tezukazyunko | 发布时间: 2009-6-11 22:19| 查看数: 1789| 评论数: 1|

CREDIT cards aren't a novelty to university students today. In fact, banks go looking for students, and some may have more than one card. So, we've found some useful expressions when you ask about a credit card.

1. Asking about an annual fee (询问年费)

Customer: Is there an annual fee from the bank or the credit card company?

Clerk: Yes, there's a 100-yuan annual fee. If you have at least six transactions, the fee is waived.

This is different from a debit card (借记卡). An annual service fee/charge (年费) can come from the issuing bank (发卡银行) or the credit card company. Transaction (交易) is a formal bank word for "usage". Waive: 免除,取消. For example,

The school has decided to waive his tuition because of his high grades last year.

2. Asking about credit limit (询问信用额度)

Customer: What's the credit limit on a student card?

Clerk: It's usually 3,000 yuan a month. But it depends on your credit rating. If your credit's good, we can raise the limit.

Customer: What if I want to make a big purchase?

Customer: We can raise the limit temporarily. Give us a phone call ahead of time.

Credit limit: 信用额度. The bank can "temporarily raise the credit limit" (临时调高信用额度) if the person wants to make a big purchase.

3. Asking about late payments (询问没有按时还款的后果)

Customer: If I'm late in paying my credit card bill, what will happen?

Clerk: In the first instance, we lower your credit limit as a warning. If it happens three months in a row, we may stop the card.

Customer: But what if I simply forget to pay on time?

Clerk: I'm afraid that's not a good excuse. We'll remind you of the due date by e-mail, text message or phone. Then you shouldn't forget.

In a row: 连续地. For example: It has been raining for three days in a row (雨已经连续下了三天了). Due date: 还款日期。


jinglake 发表于 2009-6-16 14:43:50
1# tezukazyunko

very practical

I could use it

Thank you
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