






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-3-27 10:23| 查看数: 1073| 评论数: 1|


  Vladimir Putin can generally be relied on for chest-thumping quotes and he did not disappoint this week when he compared the UN resolution that cleared the way for air strikes on Libya to “medieval calls for crusades”.

  俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)总能发出可供引用的豪言壮语,本周他也没有让人们失望——他把为空中打击利比亚扫清障碍的联合国决议比作“中世纪十字军东征的号令”。

  As ever, there was a strong element of theatre in the Russian prime minister’s sound bite and in President Dmitry Medvedev’s later rebuke of Mr Putin’s remarks as “unacceptable”.

  普京的这句广播讲话,以及稍后俄罗斯总统德米特里•梅德韦杰夫(Dmitry Medvedev)批驳普京之说“不可接受”的言论,一如既往地充斥着浓厚的戏剧色彩。

  Railing against Washington’s supposed love of military meddling abroad plays well with the ordinary Russians, Mr Putin’s main constituency. (Mr Medvedev targets a more sophisticated and international audience.)


  Yet for all the Putin bluster, Russia stands to do rather well out of the situation in Libya – and out of the other recent shock, Japan’s earthquake and nuclear crisis.


  Having the US and its allies tied down in a third military arena – a country of limited importance to Russia – suits Moscow as it continues to strengthen ties with neighbours such as Ukraine and Belarus that had earlier flirted with the west. And the Middle East unrest has pushed oil prices to about $115 a barrel, giving a boost to Russia’s economy.


  That calculus underlies Moscow’s decision to abstain at the UN Security Council last week when it might have been expected to use its veto.


  Meanwhile, a backlash against nuclear power in Japan and Europe is set to boost long-term demand for Russian energy exports, especially gas. Little wonder that Russia’s stock market, which lagged behind the broader emerging markets recovery last year, is now close to two-and-a-half year highs.


  Admittedly, the Libyan war threatens some Russian business interests: $4bn in arms deals, and Russian Railways’ €2.2bn project to build a

   诚然,利比亚战争威胁到了俄罗斯的一些商业利益:40亿美元的军火合同;以及俄罗斯国有铁路公司(Russian Railways)承建的总投资22亿欧元的利比亚苏尔特-班加西高铁项目。但是,这些损失比不上油价高涨带来的利益。经济学家们估计,年平均油价每上升10美元,俄罗斯的收入就会增加200亿美元。

  high-speed Sirte-Benghazi railway. But their loss could be outstripped by the oil price gain. Economists reckon every $10 increase in the average annual oil price swells Russia’s revenues by $20bn.


  With parliamentary and presidential elections looming, the Kremlin will welcome the extra scope to raise pensions and public sector wages. That should help offset any danger, however small, of Russia seeing Arab-style protests itself. Russia is also using the Arab protests to present itself as a more reliable alternative to Middle East and north African energy suppliers, seeking to repair damage from its two gas shut-offs to Ukraine in recent years.


  The approach is evident, too, in its response to Japan’s tsunami. Mr Putin was quick to suggest that Gazprom, the Russian gas giant, should send more supplies of liquefied natural gas to Japan to ease energy shortages.


  When little spare LNG could be found, Mr Putin this week pitched another idea. Gazprom could increase its pipeline gas supplies to Europe, so LNG cargoes destined for Europe could be redirected to Japan.


  The response to his proposed gas “swap” has been lukewarm. But, longer term, prospects for increasing supplies to Japan are good. Analysts say that, assuming 10 Japanese plants remain shut, the country’s gas consumption could rise by about a seventh next year.



  While output from Russia’s Sakhalin-2 field near Japan is mostly committed under long-term contracts, increased Japanese demand could transform the economics of developing other reserves in the area.


  Similarly, if Germany’s decision to make seven older nuclear power plants idle is copied elsewhere, the cost of renewable energy is likely to make gas – of which Russia supplies a quarter of Europe’s needs – the main alternative.


  The nuclear backlash, however, is confined to the west. Europe’s eastern half, a traditional market for Russian nuclear technology, has largely pledged to stick with nuclear generation. That is good news for Rosatom, the state-owned group aiming to become the Gazprom of nuclear power.


  Within days of Japan’s tsunami, Mr Putin signed a $9bn deal to build a Russian reactor in Belarus, while Mr Medvedev agreed to press ahead with a $20bn Russian plant in Turkey.

  俄罗斯杰出的外交政策评论员谢尔盖•卡拉加诺夫(Sergei Karaganov)在近期的一篇报纸专栏文章中指出,经历了20世纪的重大灾难后,21世纪迄今为止是俄罗斯的“幸运”世纪。就2011年前3个月的情形来看,卡拉加诺夫或许是对的。

  Sergei Karaganov, one of Russia’s top foreign policy commentators, suggested in a recent newspaper column that, after the catastrophes of the 20th century, the 21st had so far been Russia’s “lucky” century. For the first three months of 2011, Mr Karaganov may be right.


qbajt 发表于 2011-3-31 02:09:34
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