





朝鲜食品短缺恶化 每日配给减半

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-3-27 10:32| 查看数: 1283| 评论数: 0|

North Korea's government food distribution system will run dry in May and put one-quarter of the country's 24 million residents at risk of starvation, the U.N. World Food Program said in an assessment that may influence whether the U.S. and other countries provide assistance to the country.

The agency said North Korea's chronically undernourished people are facing a tougher-than-usual springtime due to the effects on crops of flooding last year and extreme cold this winter. An outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease since December also damaged livestock production.

'Vulnerable members of society are currently facing increasing shocks to their daily coping strategies, leaving them on a knife edge,' the WFP said in a statement and report sent to diplomats in donor countries Thursday.

Dire reports about North Korea's food situation are common. And so is the political dilemma over whether to help because previous international donations have been re-directed by North Korea's authoritarian regime, led by dictator Kim Jong Il, away from ordinary citizens to the country's military and elite.

But signs have grown that the current situation is worse than in recent years. The North's government recently warned citizens several times that food problems are acute, though it also told them that food shortages are common worldwide.

North Korean diplomats this year also asked for food aid from more countries than before, including African countries poorer than it. The WFP reported that its investigators received 'unprecedented access' to the country during visits this month and last.

Daily rations in North Korea have been reduced to 360 grams a day, less than half the country's average, a diplomat from a Western country who was part of the WFP investigation said in an interview.

At one hospital visited by WFP investigators, 136 children were being treated for malnutrition and 11 were in the most severe stage of hunger, able only to take intravenous fluids and eat high-nutrition biscuits, none of which were available.

'They really were putting the hard sell on. It was awful,' the diplomat said . .

U.S. officials have said they will scrutinize the WFP's report. Some congressional leaders have expressed skepticism about North Korea's desperation.

At a U.S. congressional hearing on North Korea earlier this month, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said: 'Fast approaching is the 100th anniversary next year of the birth of Kim Jong Il's father, and there is the danger that aid provided would be diverted for this spectacle.'

Food aid to the North was a topic when deputy foreign ministers from the U.S. and South Korea met in Seoul earlier this month. At that time, they said they were waiting for the WFP's report.

In the report, the WFP said its investigators were able to interview people in 122 North Korean households, spread through all nine of its provinces. They visited hospitals and collected data on 272 malnourished children under the age of 5.

The WFP said the most critical months for food in the North will be May, June and July. It proposed assistance of 297,000 tons of cereal products over the next five months to about 6 million people─mainly children, young mothers and the elderly─who are at most risk of starvation. The report also proposed sending 137,000 tons of fortified blended food.

The report didn't say how much such assistance would cost. The proposed assistance program amounts to approximately 5% of the 5.5 million tons of rice and cereal grains that outside experts estimate North Korea needs to produce annually to feed its people.

The North Korean government late last year estimated it would buy 325,000 tons of cereal products from outside the country. But it cut the estimate to 200,000 tons early this year, citing high international food prices.

In another sign that the government is scrambling to reduce its burden, it also recently moved four of the 14 districts in the capital city of Pyongyang to the jurisdiction of a less-powerful provincial district. That move cut off tens of thousands of people from food and other privileges granted to residents of the city, according to news agencies in Seoul run by North Korean defectors.

联合国世界粮食计划署(U.N. World Food Program)在一份评估报告中说,朝鲜的政府食品分配体系今年5月将无粮可发,届时朝鲜2,400万人口中的四分之一将面临遭遇饥荒的危险。这份报告可能会对美国和其他国家是否决定向朝鲜提供援助产生影响。










本月初美国国会举行的朝鲜问题听证会上,佛罗里达州众议员、众议院外交事务委员会主席罗斯-莱赫蒂宁(Ileana Ros-Lehtinen)说,就在明年,金正日的父亲百岁诞辰很快就要到来。提供的援助有被转用于相关庆典仪式的风险。








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