






发布者: dongluonan | 发布时间: 2009-6-23 21:58| 查看数: 10182| 评论数: 34|


Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?


1be from= come form 来自... 2 pen pal=pen friend 笔友

3like and dislike好恶;爱憎4live in….在...居住

5speak English讲英语6play sports做体育运动

7a little French一些法语8go to the movies 去看电影

9an action movie 一部动作片10on weekends 在周末

11Excuse me对不起,打扰12get to 到达、抵达

13beginning of 在...开始的时候14at the end of 在...结束的时候

15arrive at /


(1)、Where主 +be+主语+from?主语+be +from+地点.

(2)、Where do/does+主语+live?主语+live/lives in…

(3)、What language do/does +主语+speak? 主语+speak/speaks….

(4)、主语+like/likes +doing…


1-Where is your pen pal from?-He’s from China.

2-Where does she live --She lives in Tokyo.

3-Does she speak English? -Yes, she does/ No, she dosen’t.

4-Is that your new pen pal?-Yes, he is / No, e isn’t.

5-What language does she speak?-She speaks English.

新目标七年级下学期期末总复习Unit 1精选题及答案


1.They all come from _________(澳大利亚). 2.Can you speak _________(法语)?

3. What ________(language) does he speak?4.This is the ________(信) from Mike to Sam. 5.She speaks English very ________(好). 6. He comes from Tokyo. He speaks J_________. 7.There are fifty states in the U__________.8.Where are their pen ________(pal) from?

9.Where does he _______(live)?10.He went to many ________( country) last year.


1.Jim’s parents _________(not watch) TV on Sundays.

2. She_______(stay) at home and has a good rest.

3.Are they reading or_______(write)?

4. Uncle Wang asks us _______(fly) kites with him.

5.They all______ (come) from foreign countries.


1.your, pen, from, where, pal, is(?)(连词成句)_________________________________________

2.does, what, she, speak, language(?)(连词成句) _________________________________________

3.I like French very much.(改为一般疑问句)__________________ French very much?

4.My pen pal is from America.(对画线提问) _________________ pen pal from?

5.I can’t speak French . I think.(合并为一句 I __________I ______speak French.

6.He comes from Canada.(改为否定) He____________from Canada.

7.Cindy and Jack come from Australia.(改为一般疑问句) _______ Cindy and Jack ______ from Australia?

8. Mary lives in Tokyo.(对画线提问)____________ Mary _______?

9.Jim gets an email from Kate.(改为一般疑问句)______ Jim______ an email from Kate?

10.She can speak Japanese.(改为一般疑问句) _______she_____Japanese?


()1.They don’t have any Chinese textbooks.

A. have someB. don’t buy C. have noD. don’t want

()2.We don’t go to school on Sundays.

A. next Sunday B .every Sunday C. at weekendD. on weekend

()3.My parents work five days a week.

A. from Monday to Friday B. from Sunday to FridayC .on Sunday D .on Friday

()4.I want a pen pal in China.

A. partnerB. student C. friendD. pen friend

()5.She comes from Canada.

A. come alongB. goes toC. is from D. are from


()1.He can’t speak English_____ French.

A. a lot B. and C. orD. no

()2.They know many Chinese words . But they can speak____ Chinese.

A. a little B. a lotC. a lot ofD. many

()3.-Your English is very good. -_______.

A. You are right.B. That’s nothing.C. Thank youD. No, it’s not good

()4.I live in ______ old city of Mexico.

A. a B. anC. theD. one

()5.Toronto is a city of _______.

A. the USAB. JapanC. EnglandD. Canada

()6.My pen pal ______ Singapore.

A. fromB. is fromC. come fromD. are from

()7.Judie______ Toronto.

A. liveB. live inC. livesD. lives in

()8.Where ______ he ______?

A. does, liveB. do, liveC. does, live inD. do, lives in

()9.Where ______ your parents_____?

A. do, fromB. is , fromC. are, fromD. does , from

()10.Anderson ______ a pen pal _____ China.

A .want , in .B. want, atC. wants, at D. wants , in.

六.完形填空(20分) (A)

Bob is 1America boy. He studies in a high school in Washington .He is fourteen years old and he is in Grade 8 now. Bob was born 2 1990 in New York. He started school at the age of six. He studied in New York for six years3 he moved to Washington 4his family. He 5 this high school . Bob’s favorite subject is biology and he is6in Chinese herbs. He wishes 7to China 8 Chinese medicine9he finishes high school. He wants 10a doctor of Chinese medicine.

()1.A.a B. anC. theD./

()2.A.inB. onC. atD. for

()3.A.after B. whenC. beforeD. until

()4.A.andB. orC. but D. with

()5.A.likes B. liked C. has likedD. is liking

()6.A.interestedB. interestingC. interestD. interests

()7.A,comeB, comesC, coming D, to come

()8.A.studyB. to studyC. studies D .after

()9.A.unlessB. untilC. afterD. before

()10.A.is B.tobeC. becomeD. are




dongluonan 发表于 2009-6-23 21:59:08
dongluonan 发表于 2009-6-23 22:02:32
Unit 2 Where’s the post office


1post office 邮局2pay phone 投币式公用电话

3next to 在...隔壁4across from 在...对面 5in front of 在...前面

6between…and… 在...和...之间7on a street在街上

8in the neighborhood 在附近 9on the right/left在右边/在左边

10on one’s right/left 在某人的右边/左边

11turn right/left 向右/左转12take a walk 散步

13have fun 玩得开心14the way to …去...的路

15take a taxi 打的/乘出租车 16go down(along)…沿着...走

17go through...穿过...18have a good trip旅途愉快


(1)、Is there a bank near here?Yes, there is .It’s on Centre Street.

No, there isn’t.

(2)、Where’s the supermarket?It’s next to the library.

(3)、Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.

(4)、I hope you have a good trip.

(5)、If you are hungry, you can buy food in the restaurant.

(6)、Talk a walk though the park..

(7)、enjoy后接名词或动词-ing 形式.Do you enoy(=like) your work?

Do you enjoy(=like) living in the city?


(1)、Is there a ….?句型Eg:

-Excuse me. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood.-Yes, there is. No,there isn’t

(2)、Where is …?句型

Eg:-Where is the park,,please?-It’s behind the bank.(肯定回答)

-I’m sorry I don’t know. (否定回答)

(3)、Which is the way to +地点? 句型.例如:

- Which is the way to the library.

(4)、How can I get to+地点?句型.例如:

-How can I get to the restaurant?

(5)、Can you tell me the way to +地点?句型.例

- Can you tell me the way to the post office?

(6)、Let me tell you the way to my house.

(7)、Just go straight and turn left.

新目标七年级下学期期末总复习Unit 2精选题

一 .情景选择(8分)

Where to go? Please go to…

1.If you want to buy some food,A.an airport

2.If you want to buy some stamps,B.a video arcade

3.If you want read books, C.a park

4.If you want to play games,D.a hotel

5. If you want to go by air,E. a supermarket

6.If you want to live,F. a post office

7.If you want to enjoy yourself.G. a library

8. If you want to telephone,H a pay phone


1.Jack is near______old _______(一个旧旅馆)。

2. There are _____________繁忙的大街)in New York.

3.Is there a big __________(超市)near where you live?

4. My house is on a ______________(安静的)street.

5.Bridge Street is a good _______(地方)to have fun.

6. The People Park is a c_______ park.

7..Welcome to the garden d________.

8.Come to v_______ Bridge Street.

9.Take a walk through the park o______ Center Avenue.

10.A______ from the old hotel you will see a dirty park.

11.This is the _______ (begin) of the garden tour.

12. You can _______(play) games in the video arcade.

13.You will have to pass _______(eight) Avenue.

14. Let ______ (I) tell you something about our street.

15.I know that you will___________( get )to Sydney next Sunday.


1.Our park is dirty.Our park is _________.

2.Our hotel is old.Our hotel is ______-

3.Our market is small.Our market is _________.

4.I’m very old.I’m quite _________.

5.I sit on the left. I sit on the _________.


()1.There is a big table ______ the left side.

A. inB. onC. atD. for

()2.One of the twins _______ me.

A. sit next toB. sit next inC. sits next toD. sits next for

()3.The library is ____ the video arcade and the supermarket.

A. fromB. behind toC. before in D. between

()4.The hotel is ______ Fifth Avenue.

A. onB. ofC. across D. from

()5.Is there a hotel near here? Yes, just go ______ and _____ left.

A .straight , goB. go, acrossC. straight , turnD. straight, turns

()6.Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood? Yes, it’s _____ the school.

A .near B. on C. betweenD. down

()7.Is there a bank around here? Yes, _______.

A. it isB. this isC. there isD. that is

()8.The pay phone ______ the library.

A. across fromB. next toC. nearD. is across from

()9.Nancy is between ______ and ______.

A. Jim , IB. I, JimC. he , meD. him , me

()!0.Let me tell you how ______Hemingwei Hotel.

A. get toB. arrive in C. to get toD. arrive at

()11. Take a walk _____ the park on Center Avenue.

A. forB. from C. off D. through

()12.Bridge Street is a good place to ______.

A. have funB. has fun C. having funsD. have funs

()13. You can enjoy your meal _____ a bench ____ the park.

A. on, onB. in, inC. on, inD. in, on

()14.Next to the hotel is a small house ______ an interesting garden.

A. of B. offC. with D. from

()15.________, is there a pay phone near here?

A. I’m sorry B. Sorry C. ExcuseD. Excuse me


A: Excuse me, sir.12a post office near here?

B:3, I don’t4. I’m new here.5ask that man.

A: Excuse me, sir. Is there a post office around here?

C: Go along this street. When you6a big supermarket,7this street , 8right. Then go 9Center Street. The post office is 10your left.


1.沿着这条街走, 你就能看见那个图书馆在你的右边。

Go _______ this street, and you can see the library _____ your left.

2.跨过三个单行道, 你就会发现它在邮局和银行之间。

You will have to _______ three one-way streets. You can find it _____ the post office and the bank.


_______ a taxi and go along the high way, then ______ right.


The pay phone is ______ ______ the Bank of China.


_____________ the park you will see an old hotel.


________ ______ the garden district.

7. 对不起, 这儿附近有超市吗?

_______ ______ , is there a supermarket in the neighborhood?


Bridge Street is a good place to ______ _______.


You ______ ______ finish your homework this evening.


Could you tell me ______ to get _______ the video arcade?


Welcome ___1____ the garden district. Turn left ___2____ First Avenue and enjoy the quiet streets and small parks ___3____Windsor. Take a walk____4_____ the park ___5___ Center Avenue. Across __6___ the park you will see an____7_____ old hotel. Next ____8__ the hotel is a small house ____9___ an interesting garden. This is the beginning ____10____ the garden tour.
dongluonan 发表于 2009-6-23 22:03:11
dongluonan 发表于 2009-6-23 22:09:30
Unit 4 I want to be an actor.


1want to be+职业想要成为。。。 2shop assistant 店员

3bank clerk 银行职员4work with 与。。。一起工作

5work hard 努力工作6work for 为。。。而工作

7work as 作为。。而工作8get.. from…从。。。获得。。。

9give sth.to.sb /give.sb.sth 把某物给某人

正确的表示:give it/them to sb. 错误的表示:give sb.it/them

in the day 在白天at night 在夜间

talk to /with 与…讲话go out to dinners 外出吃饭

in a hospital 在医院newspaper reporter 报社记者

movie actor 电影演员


(1)-What do/does+某人+do? 某人是做什么的?

例:-What do you do?-I’m a student.

你是做什么的?-- 我是一个学生。

-What dose he do? He’s a teacher. 他是干什么的? -- 他是一个学生。

(2)-What do/does+某人+want to be?某人想当什么?

例:What do you want to be?-I want to be a teacher.

你想当什么?-- 我相当老师。

-What does she want to be ?She want to be a nurse.

她相当什么?-- 她相当护士。

(3)-Where does your sister work?你姐姐在什么地方工作?

-She works in a hospital.她在医院工作。

(4)-Does he work in the hospital?他在医院工作吗?

Yes.he does。 / No, he doesn’t是的,他在。/ 不,他不在。

(5)-Does she work late?-Yes,she does/No.she doesn’t

(6)-英语中询问职业的几种表达方式 What do/does …do?

What is…? What is your father?

What’s one’s job?例:What’s your father’s job?

新目标七年级下学期期末总复习Unit 4精选题


1.        He likes___________( play) soccer very much.

2.        I saw two __________(thief) in the mall.

3.        The bike is ________(you)._______(I) is over there.

4. Rose wants to be an _________(act).

5.I want to work with__________(he).

6.Jeff doesn’t want to be a ________(wait), but his sister wants to be a ___________(wait).

7. The police _________(be) looking for the lost boy.

8.He wants________( be) a policeman when he grows up.

9.My mother is busy_______(clean) the house.

10. S__________ is the second season of the year.

11. She is a reporter, she works for a m___________.

12. My grandma often tells me s__________ about Lei Feng.

13. The news __________(be) very good.

14. His work is _______(excite) but kind of ______(danger).

15. She is ill and has to be in h___________.

16. He can make delicious food, he is a c__________.

17. Thieves are afraid of them, they are p___________.


boring,interesting,busy, difficult,dangerous,

1. It is _________ to play with fire.

2.This movie is very _________ , we all like seeing it.

3. I’m very __________ . I have a lot of work to do.

4. Math is very ___________ for me to learn, I can’t work out the problem.

5.The story is rather __________ , nobody likes to read it.

三. 单项选择(20分)

()1.My sister is badly ill. She is ________hospital.

A. in theB. inC. in anD. at the

()2.I want to work ________Jack, because he is a kind man.

A, withB, betweenC, in D, among

()3.Nurses often ________ white uniform at work..

A. put onB. to wear C. wearD. to put on

()4.There are lots of _______in the school.

A. man teachersB. men teacherC. women teacher D. women teachers

()5.What’s your _____? I’m a doctor.

A. job B. workC. ageD. name

()6.Uncle Wang is busy _______ in the work place. .

A. work B. to workC. workingD. works

()7.Jim, you _______ on the phone.

A. have wanted B. are wantingC. wantD. are wanted

()8.My cousins finds a job ______ a bank clerk.

A. asB. beC. amongD. about

()9.There is much _______ in the purse.

A. books B. money C. pens D. ruler

()10. He brings me _____.

A. a newsB. a piece good news

C. a piece of good news D. a good news


1.What does your brother do?(同义句)

What 'syour ________ _________?

2.His father works in a bank.(对画线提问)

_______ _______ your father work?

3.Mr Li is a policeman. (同义句)

Mr Li ________ _______ a policeman.

4.She want to be an actor. (对画线提问)

_________ _________ she want to be ?

5.He often goes to work late. ((同义句)

He is often _________ ________ work.


1.He ________ ________money and people every day. (打交道)

2.It’s an_________ (有趣的)job, but__________________ (有点)dangerous.

3.Does she work ________ a __________(当记者)?

4.He ________ ________ be a movie star. (想当)

5._________ does Mary’s mother __________(干什么的)?

6.Could you _________ ________ ________ _________?(给我一些钱吗)

7.She likes _________ with people. (和人交谈)

8. We often ________________________ .(外出吃饭)


A: Betty, what ___1____ your father do?

B: He is a policeman.

A: Do you _____2____ to be a policeman?

B: Oh, ____3___. Sometimes it’s a little dangerous, ____4___it’s also an exciting job. Jenny, your father is a bank clerk, right?

A: Yes, he is.

B: Do you want to be a bank clerk, too?

A: ___5____, I don’t really. I want to a reporter.

七.书面表达, 阅读下面招聘广告,写一篇60字的应聘信。(15分)

Are you a musician? Do you like to sing or dance? Can you play the piano, the trumpet or the guitar? Then maybe you can be in our pop band. Please talk to Mr Jay Zhou for some more information.

Dear Mr Jay Zhou,

dongluonan 发表于 2009-6-23 22:10:42
dongluonan 发表于 2009-6-23 22:12:58
Unit 5 I’m watching TV.


1do homework 做家庭作业2watch TV看电视

3eat dinner 吃饭;就餐4clean the room 打扫房间

5read newspaper/a book看报纸/看书6go to the movies 看电影

7write a letter 写信 8wait for 等待;等候

9talk about 谈论。。。。 10play basketball/soccer/打篮球/踢足球

11take photos 拍照 12TV show 电视节目

13Some of。。。 。。。中的一些 14a photo of my family 我的家庭照

15at school 在学校16be with 和。。。一起

17in the tree 在树上


(1)-What+be+主语+doing? ….正在做什么?


例: -what are you doing?你在干什么?

-I’m doing my homework.我在做作业。

(2)-Thanks for … 为。。。而感谢

例:Thanks for your letter. 感谢你的来信。

(3)-Here are/is…这是……。

例:Here are some of my photos.这是我的一些照片。

Here is a photo of my family. 这是我的一张全家福照片。

(4)-That sounds good.那听起来不错。

(5)-This TV show is boring.这电视剧很无聊。


(1)-Do you want to go to the movies? –Sure.

你想去看电影吗?-- 当然。

(2)-When do you want to go? –Let’s go at seven.

你什么时候想去?-- 咱们七点去吧。

(3)-Where do people play basketball? –At school.

人们在哪儿打篮球?-- 在学校。

(4)-What’s he waiting for?-He’s waiting for a bus.

他在等什么?-- 他在等公共汽车。

(5)-What’s he reading? He’s reading a newspaper.

他在看什么?-- 他在看报纸。





I’m watching TV.我在看电视。



They are not playing soccer. 他们没有在踢足球。



Yes,主语+is/am/are.No,主语+isn’t/aren’t/am not.

Are you reading? Yes,I am. No,I am not.

你在看书吗? 是的,我在看书。/ 不,我没有。

5) 现在进行时的特殊疑问句形式:


例:What is your brother doing? 你哥哥在干什么?

6) 动词+ing形式(现在分词)的构成.


如: eat--eating, do—doing,clean—cleaning,






如:run—runing,sit—sitting ,swim—swimming.


新目标七年级下学期期末总复习Unit 5精选题

单词填空( 15分)

1.Is Tom w_______ TV? No, he is reading a newspaper.

2.Look! Here is a p_______ of my family.

3.The students are c________ the classroom now.

4.My brother is w________ a letter now.

5.We can borrow books from the school l________.

6.That ________(听起来) good.7.He is ________(看) newspapers.

8.Tom and his father _________(swim) now.

9.Look! They __________ (run) along the road.

10.Listen! The children _________(sing) now.

11.The boy ________(put) on his uniform now.

12.One of us ________(take) photos for them now.

13.Mary _________(sleep), she is reading.

14.Let’s ________(have) a talk about the movie.

15.Are the kids _______(skate) on the lake?


1.What are they doing?______________________________________

2.Is he playing football?______________________________________

3.Where do you think he is?______________________________________

4.Is she playing basketball?______________________________________

5.What’s the time?______________________________________

三,        选择填空(20分)

()1. Thanks _____ your letter and the photos.

A. toB. ofC. for D. with

()2.____ you ____ the story book now?

A. Do, readB. Are, readC. Is, reading D. Are, reading

()3.Who is he waiting _____? Jenny.

A. for B. withC. out D. on

()4._____ is your father? He is at school.

A. whatB. HowC. WhenD. Where

()5.Your idea ______ good.

A. see B. soundC. hearsD. sounds

()6.I’m talking _____ him ____ the English contest.

B. about, with C. with, to D. to, below

()7.Here ____ some books on the desk.

A. are B. isC. have D. has

()8._____ the third photo, I____ at a mall.

A. On, shopB. On, shoppingC. In, am shoppingD. In, am shoping

()9.We are doing ______ . will you join us?

A.        we homeworkB. our homeworkC. us homeworkD. our homeworks

()10. It’s five o’clock. My children ______.

A. sleepB. sleepsC. are sleeping D. is sleeping


1.They are flying kites over there.(对画线提问)

______________ they ______ over there?

2.I’m doing my homework.(改为一般疑问句)

_________________ your homework?

3.Nancy wants to go to the movies.(改为否定句)

Nancy ____________ to go to the movies.

4.Ann plays the piano in the room.(用now 改写)

Ann _____________ the piano in the room now.


1.-你妹妹正在做什么? -她正在做她的家庭作业。

-What _______your sister _______?-She _______ _______ _______ homework.


This TV show ______________,____________________________ movie.


Here is ______________of ______________.




Who _______ you ______________?

六.选出I 栏和II 栏的答语,把序号填在括号内.(10分)

()1.What’s Lucy doing?A. He is watching TV.

()2.What does your brother do?B. My little sister.

()3.Let’s play computer games. C. How about 7:00 o’clock?

()4.When do you want to go to the movies? D. Sure.

()5.What’s your father doing?E. He’s a policeman.

()6.Hello! Is Lisa there?F. In the supermarket.

()7.What are they talking about? G. That sounds great.

()8.Where’s your mom?H. She is talking on the phone.

()9.Do you want to go shopping with me?I. No, she is at school.

()10.Who are you talking to? J. A TV show.


根据Ann的家庭照片的内容,写60字左右的作文。词组:浇花water flowers,向上爬run up
dongluonan 发表于 2009-6-23 22:15:20
dongluonan 发表于 2009-6-23 22:15:45
Unit 6 It’s raning!


1Around The World 世界各地2On vacation 度假

3Take photos 拍照 4On the beach 在海边

5a group of people 一群人6play beach volleyball 打沙滩排球

7be surprised 惊讶的

8be surprised at sth./sb.对某人或某人感到惊讶

9in this heat 在酷暑中10be relaxed 放松

11have a good time 玩得很痛快

12in different kind of weather在不同的天气里

13Thank sb for(doing)sth由于(做)某事而感谢某人

14How’s it going? 近况如何15Some…others…一些…另一些…

16Look like..看起来像。。。


(1)-How’s the weather(+地点)? –It’s raining。

某处的天气怎么样? -- 在下雨。

(2)-What’s the weather like?—It’s sunny./It’s cold and snowing.

天气怎样?-- 天晴。/ 冷,在下雪。

(3)-How’s it going? –Great./Not bad.一切怎样? -- 很好。/ 不错。

(4)Thanks you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show。


(5)-Is Aunt Wang there? –Yes,she is/No,she isn’t

黄阿姨在那儿吗?-- 是的。/ 不,她不在。

新目标七年级下学期期末总复习Unit 6精选题


1.This is a very i_____________ place.

2.The people are really very r______________. .

3.What about ___________(sing) this song in English?

4.There are a lot of ___________(cloud) in the sky.

5.Thank you for ___________(teach) us so well.

6.The weather ____________(be) windy today.

7.There are some students _____________(study) in the classroom.

8.It’s five o’clock p.m. The boys ____________(play) volleyball.

9.W________________ is from November to January in China.

10.The Smiths go to Hawaii on v_____________.

11.It’s rather h_________ in Wuhan in summer.

12.He’s w________________ black pants today.

13.Look! There is a dog l________ under the tree.

14.She’s ill and feels t_____________.

15.It often s__________ in the north of China in winter.

16.They enjoy ______________(they) very much in Hawaii.

17.They have a lot of fun __________(dance) at the party

18.I’m very _______________(surprise)to hear the good news.

19. The weather here in spring is h________ , not dry.

20. It’s ____________ today. The sun is shining brightly in the sky.

二.        用所给的词填空(10分)

sunny, cold,cool,hot, windy, snowing, winter, weather, lying,scarf

1.What is the _______ like today?

2.Spring is coming. It’s ________.

3.I like summer. It’s _______. I can swim.

4.I saw the bag________ on the playground.

5.In _______ Australia is very beautiful.

6.Autumn is harvest time. It’s ________ in North China.

7.Do you like winter? No, it’s very ________.

8. .I have a beautiful _____________.

9. Look ! The trees are shaking. It’s _________.

10. The weather is _________. Let’s make a snowman.

三.        补全对话(10分)

A: ____1____ are you from?

B: I come from England.

A: What’s the ___2________3____ in England?

B: It’s very nice at the _____4____.The weather is never too ___5_____ or _____6____ cold.

A: Oh, it’s very nice. But in China it’s often too _____7____ in winter and it’s too hot in __8_______.

B: Yes, I like ___9______ in China because I can skate on real ice in winter and I can swim in _____10_____pools in summer.


()1-_________ is the weather in Shanghai?-__________windy.

A. What , It’sB. How, It’s C. How, ItD. What , It

()2.-How’s it going with you? - __________.

A.I don’t like itB .I’m studyingC. It’s windyD. Not bad

()3-.Hello! Who’s speaking? -Hi, An. _________ Mary.

A. ThisB. It’sC. This isD. That is

()4.Thanks a lot for __________ us at the party.

A. joinB. joins C. joiningD. to join

()5.The students are cleaning the classroom. _________ are cleaning the windows, _________ are cleaning the chairs.

A. Some ., anotherB. Some , others C. Others , the otherD. Some ,other

()6. What_______ your mother do when it’s _________?

A. do, rainyB. does, raining C. does, is rainingD. do , raining

()7.It’s snowing and everyone ________ a good time.

A. havingB. is havingC. are havingD. has

( )8.________ winter it is very cold _________ Moscow.

A. In, atB. In , in C. On, in D. In, on

()9.What ________ it is today!

A. a nice weatherB. nice a weatherC. nice weather D. nice day

()10.A group of _________ lying on the beach.

A. children areB. children isC. childs are D. childs is

()11. Look at the ________ !It’s_________ heavily now.

A. rain, rainB. raining, rainingC. raining , rainyD. rain, raining

()12.The radio _______ the snow will stop later on.

A. says B. tellsC. talksD. speaks

()13.It’s very dark ,but they _______ working in the fields.

A. go onB. get onC. go downD. go

()14.Here is the weather report __________ the next twenty-four hours.

A. ofB. forC. in D. to

()15. In spring the flowers begin to __________ .

A. turn greenB. get backC. come outD. go on

五.        句型转换(10分)

1.It’s windy in spring in Anyang.(对画线提问)

__________ the ___________ in Anyang in spring?

2.Do you often swim on Sundays?(用now 代替on Sundays)

__________ you ____________ now?

3.There is a lot of rain today in Xinxiang.(改为同义句)

_________ very __________ today in Xinxiang .

4.They are on vacation in Chengdu.(对画线部分提问)

____________________ they on vacation?

5..it, do , raining, when, do, is , you, what(连词成句)


六.        根据汉语完成句子(20分)


-___________ the weather _________Shanghai?-It’s very _________.

2.那儿正在下雪吗?不, 在下雨。

-____________ it __________ there?-No, It’s___________.


-__________ it ____________ with you Danny?-Not __________.


I____________________ that the children can play _________ this __________.


There are _________ _________ _________ people ___________beach volleyball ________ the beach.


Look! Every one__________________ a good time in the kindergarten.

七.书面表达(15分) My hometown’s weather.


dongluonan 发表于 2009-6-23 22:18:54
dongluonan 发表于 2009-6-23 22:19:49
简单啊 发表于 2009-6-24 09:28:29
dongluonan 发表于 2009-6-25 16:26:46
Unit 7 What dose he look like?


1look like 看起来像....2curly /short/straight/long hair 卷/短/直发

3medium height/build 中等高度/身体4a little bit一点儿…

5a pop singer 一位流行歌手6play的用法。

7wear glasses 戴眼镜8have a new look 呈现新面貌

9go shopping 去购物10the captain of the basketball team 篮球队队长

11Nobody knows me没有人认识我


1)--What does he look like?他长得怎样?

--He’s really short. He has short hair.他矮矮的,短头发。

2)--She has beautiful, long black hair.她有漂亮的黑色长发。

3)--I don’t think he’s so great .我认为他没有那么好。

4)--What do you look like? I’m tall. I’m thin.你长得什么样子?-- 我高高瘦瘦的。

5)--What do they look like?- 他们长得什么样子?

--They are of medium height.他们中等高度。

6) --She never stops talking.她总是讲过不停。

--Stop doing(sth)表示停止正在干的事.

如:He stops listening. 他停止了听--stop to do (sth)表示停下来去做某事

如:He stops to listen. 他停下来听。

7)I can go shopping and nobody knows me.我可以去购物,没有人认识我。

新目标七年级下学期期末总复习Unit 7精选题

一 单词(20分)

1.He is tall and he is m________ build.

2.He is not tall or short .He is medium h__________.

3.Her hair is not straight, it’s c _________.

4.Michael Jordan is my f_________ basketball star.

5.I’m new here nobody k_________me.

6.She is a pretty girl w________ blonde hair.

7.My father often w_________ glasses.

8.He is not heavy ,he is t___________.

9.Jim is the c_________ of the soccer team.

10.I have short s____________ black hair.


()1.My English teacher has a new __________.

A. lookB. good-lookingC. hairD. glasses

()2.The woman _________ long hair is our math teacher.

A. inB. withC. on D. of

()3.Mr Read on the bike _________ a medium build.

A. have B. has C. areD. is

()4.Mr Brown doesn’t like pop songs , but his daughter _________.

A. isB. likesC does.D. do

()5.That old man has ________ beard.

A. aB. anC. the D./

()5.Pete stops _________ and goes to bed.

A. watching TVB. watch TV C. to watch TVD. to read

()6.I often write emails to my pen pals , but ________ writes me back.

A. everybodyB. somebody C. anybodyD. nobody

()7.My aunt is too _________ ,she wants to be slim.

A. heavyB. tall C. shortD. thin

()8.He is medium build , but he looks ________ fat, I think .

A. a lot ofB. a bit of C. a little D. a little of

()9.I have __________ to tell you.

A. important somethingB. something importantC. important anythingD. anything important

()10.Can you _________ the differences between them?

A. say B. speakC. talk D. tell

()11Please remember ________the window when you leave..

A .closeB .closingC. to closing.D to close

()12.Jenny ________ her mother, and her mother _________ very young.

A. looks ,like ,looks like B. looks like , looks C. looks , looks like D. looks , looks

()13.-What does Lee look like?-He’s tall _________ blonde hair.

A. in B .onC. with .D has

()14.The pretty girl has __________ hair.

A. long brownB. brown longC. a long brownD. a brown long

()15.What about __________ shopping on Sunday?Good idea!

A. go B. goes C. to go D. going


A: Do you know we have a new teacher and two new students this team?

B: Really? What does the new teacher look ___1______?

A: He is an old man. He _____2____ no hair.

B: Is he bald ?

A: Yes. And he ____3______ glasses.

B: ____4______ he have a mustache?

A: No, he ___5_______ a beard. He is not good-looking. But he is very kind.

B: What ___6_______ your new classmates? What ____7______ they ______8____like?

A: They are twins. They look the ___9_______. They ___10_______medium height. They’re not heavy _______11___ thin. They ____12______curly hair.

B: What’s the ___13_______ ____14______ their hair?

A: Well, they ____15______ blonde hair. They are good-looking.


1. Mike has short brown hair.(对画线提问)

__________________Mike __________ like?

2.Lily does her homework everyday (否定句)

Lily __________________ her homework every day.

3.He doesn’t like staying at home, I think.(合并为一句)

I ________ think he __________ staying at home.

4.The boy is 1.80m tall.(同义句)

The boy is 1.80m _____________________ .

5.Lucy and Lily look the same .( 同义句)

Lucy ____________________ Lily.


1.你哥哥长什么样? 他高个子,短发.

-__________ does your brother _____________like? -He is tall and has short______________.

2.她总是戴着一副眼镜。She always _____________a pair of_______________.

3.我的T恤衫有点大。My T-shirt is a ______________________ large.

4.埃米不胖不瘦,中等身材。Amy isn’t fat or thin, she is _________________________.

5.没有人认识皮特,他有了新形象。Nobody __________ Pete. He has a new ___________.

6.Jim是我们校足球队长。Jim is_________ ________of the soccer team in our school.

7.我爸爸喜欢读书和下棋。My father likes___________and ____________ chess.

8.你认识那个戴眼镜的人吗?Do you ______________ the person ___________ glasses?


She is very good-looking with _______________________________ hair.

10.我侄女爱说话。她总是说个不停。 My niece is very talkative. She never _________________________.

11. 这婴儿不再哭了。The baby ___________ cry _______________________.



名字: Maria         年龄 : 14        籍贯: Australia         学校: Apple Tree School

外貌: 大眼睛,黑长卷发

,中等身材,有点胖        爱好: 喜欢穿红色衣服,喜欢读书,爱好流行歌曲,网上聊天(chat)               

dongluonan 发表于 2009-6-25 16:33:21
dongluonan 发表于 2009-6-25 16:40:05
Unit 8 I’d like some noodles.


1would like 想要2a large/medium/small bowl 大碗/中碗/小碗

3what size 什么尺寸4orange juice 桔汁

5green tea 绿茶 6phone number 电话号码

7as well as 而且 8what kind of 表示….的种类

9a kind of 一种…10some kind of 许多种…

11a bowl of rice 一碗米饭12a bottle fo orange juice 一瓶桔子汁

13three oranges 三个桔子(可数)14a bottle fo orange j 一瓶桔子汁(不可数)

15some chicken 一些鸡肉(不可数) •16three chicken 三只小鸡(可数)


1)What kind of … would you like? 你想要…?

EG:--What kind of noodles would you like? 你想要那种面条?

--Beef and tomato noodles. please.


2)We have large ,medium, and small bowls.


3)I like dumplings, I don’t like noodles.



(1)—Can I help you?

你要吃什么? / 你要买啥?

--I’d like some noodles. please.我要写面条。

(2)--what kind of noodles would you like?你要哪种面条?

--I’d like mutton and potato noodles, please.我要牛肉土豆面。

( 3)—Would you like a cup of green tea? 你要一杯绿茶吗?

--Yes, please./No, thanks 要的,请拿来。/ 不了,谢谢。

would like后面还可以跟不定式.即:

A:would like to do.sth.想要做某事.

He would like to see you today.他想今天看你。

B:would like sb.to.do.sth.想要某人做某事

What would you like me to do.你想要我干什么?

新目标七年级下学期期末总复习Unit 8精选题


1.What k________ of cake do you want?

2.We have some great s__________ on the menu today.

3.I’m hungry. I’d like a large bowl of n__________.

4.We eat d_________ on Spring Festival.

5.After dinner she likes drinking g_______ tea.

6.We have great salad as w_______ as soda and i_______ tea.

7.It’s hot, I’d like something to d_________.

8.It often __________(rain) in summer .

9.I would like you __________(help) me with my math.

10.He likes pizza and orange j__________.

11.What would you like? Here is the __________(菜单).

12.Help __________ (you) to some noodles, children.

13.How _________(many) tea is there in the cup?

14.Would you like ___________(some) dumplings?


()1.A small pizza special ________ $ 3.

A. areB. isC. hasD. have

()2.___________? –Yes, I’d like some tea.

A.Where are you B. Can I help you C. Who are you D. What do you do

()3._______ is it? 2RMB.

A. How many B. What C. How muchD. What size

()4.Would you like something _________?

A. eat B. to eatC. ateD. eating

()5.Would you like some milk? ____________.

A. Yes, it is B. No, I wouldn’t .C. Yes, please D. Yes, I would.

()6. Would you like to go shopping with me? __________.

A. No, I wouldn’t B. Yes, I would C. Yes, I’d love D. Yes, I’d love to

()7.I don’t like tomatoes ________ potatoes.

A. andB. with C. or D. but

()8.Welcome to the ________ restaurant! We have different _________.

A. noodle, noodles B. noodles, noodleC. noodle, noodleD. noodles, noodles

()9.-_____ rice would you like? –Small , please.

A.What kind ofB. What size C. What size ofD. What size bowl of

()10.Would you like _____ football with us? –Certainly. I like _______ football very much.

A. play, to playB. playing, to playC. to play, playing D. playing, playing

()11.He says the ice cream tastes ________ and sells _________.

A. good, goodB. well, well,C. well, goodD. good, well

()12.You can put _________ milk into the tea.

A. a few B. few C. a littleD. little

()13.Special 2 ________ beef and carrots and is just 10RMB _________ 20.

A. have, at B. have for C, has , atD. has , for

()14.Would you like some more dumplings? -__________ I’m full.

A. Yes, please B. I’d love toC. No, I wouldn’tD. No, thanks

()15.I’d like some dumplings ________ cabbages and muttons.

.A. withB. in C. hasD. have


1.I’d like to go to the movies.(对画线提问)

__________________ you like ____________________?

2.I like mutton, beef and chicken.(否定句)

I ____________________ mutton, beef __________ chicken.

3.I’d like some tomatoes(改为一般疑问句)

__________ you like __________ tomatoes?

4.I want to watch TV on Sunday.(同义句)

I ___________________ to watch TV.

5.He doesn’t like fish or meat.(改为肯定句)

He ___________ fish ___________ meat.

6.Mary would like to drink something( 同义句)

Mary _____________________________ drink.

7.There is a large bowl of noodles on the table.(改为复数句)

There __________ some large __________ of noodles on the table.

8.She ‘d like a small bowl of noodles.(对画线提问)

___________________bowl of noodles would she like?


1.我们有特价牛肉水饺。We have________beef__________.

2.你要多大号的外套?__________ __________ coat would you like?


_________ _________ ___________ noodles do you want ? I want mutton and ___________ noodles.

4.吃西红柿对你的健康有好处.It’s good for your health __________ eat some _____________.

5.你想要什么? 我想要一大碗牛肉西红柿面.

_________ __________ you like? __________ like __________________bowl of beef and tomato noodles.

6.我们有两个好的新特色. We have _____________________________ specials.

7.他想在星期天打篮球.He would like ___________ ___________ basketball on Sunday.

8.她不仅会讲英语, 还会讲法语。She can also speak English _______ ________ ________ French.

9.你想去游泳吗? 是的。________you_________ like to swim? Yes, I’d love to.

五.补全对话 (10分)

A: Good morning, Sir. Can I ____1______ you?

B: Yes, please. ___2______ would you like, Ann?

C: A hamburger ___3_____ some salad..

B: What ___4______ would you like?

C; A glass of orange juice.

A: What would you like ___5______ it?

C; Some ice,______6_____.

A; Some ice? But today is kind ____7______ cold.

C: I like that. I think the juice ______8___ ice is very cool.

A: What _____9______ you , Sir?

B: I’d like a hamburger with beef ____10_____ it.

A: OK, here you are.

六.书面表达。(15分)根据“老四饺子店“(Laosi Dumpling House)设计一份广告。

1.饺子品种齐全,个儿大味美。 2。现有两种特价水饺,蔬菜的2元20个,牛肉和蔬菜的5元20个。


dongluonan 发表于 2009-6-25 16:41:50
dongluonan 发表于 2009-6-25 17:10:15
Unit 9 How was yu weekend?


1do one’s homework做某人的家庭作业 如:do my homework 做我的家庭作业

2play +运动或棋类

如:play soccer 踢足球 play chess 下棋play +乐器 如:play the guitar 弹吉他

3go to the movies去看电影

4do some reading 阅读

5study for the (math) test 准备(数学)考试

6stay at home 呆家里7go to summer camp 去夏令营

8go to the mountains去爬山9visit sb 拜访某人

10go shopping 去购物 11last month 上个月

12three days ago 三天前13yesterday 昨天

14look for 寻找15go for a walk 散步

16in the morning/afternoon/evening 在早上/在下午/在晚上

17play computer games 玩电脑游戏

18It was time to sth 该。。。的时候了


(1)I visited my aunt last weekend.我上个周末看望了我阿姨。

(2)-- How was your weekend?你周末过的怎样?

--It was great./OK 很好啊。

(3)—It was time to go home.该回家了。


(1)—What did you do last weekend? 你上个周末做了什么?

--On Saturday morning, I played tennis.


(2)—How was your weekend?你的周末过得怎样?

--It was great. I went to the beach.很棒。我去了海滩。










(4)以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,要将y改为i再加-ed.如: study—studiedworry—worried


am/is—wasare—were have-had go—wentfind—found do—did see-saw

新目标七年级下学期期末总复习Unit 9精选题

一.        单词(20分)

1.What about ___________( go) to the beach after supper?

2.Did you go ____________(shop) with her yesterday?

3.He __________(read) a book last weekend.

4.She practiced ___________(speak) English last Sunday.

5.His grandpa __________(die) two years ago.

6.On Saturday two kids v__________ their friends.

7.Yesterday we had a math t____________.

8.How was your weekend, Tom? It was g__________.

9.She s__________ at home because her mother was ill.

10.He p________ computer games with his friends yesterday.

11.Last Sunday we went to the b________. We swam.

12.We often see talk s_________ on TV.

13.For most k________, the weekend was fun.

14.How did you s__________ your weekend?

15.I did some ____________(read) over the weekend.

16.Sally often __________(do) her homework at night.

17.I _________(study)for the science test last Wednesday evening.

18.His mother was _________(happy), because he didn’t do his homework.

19. They ____________(have) a party last night.

20.The teacher didn’t say _____________(something).


()1.The talk show ________ really great.

A. are B. is C. wereD. am

()2.Tina ________ her grandmother three days ago.

A. visitsB. is visiting C. visited D. visit

()3._______ you _____ soccer over the weekend?

A. Did, playedB. Do, playedC. Did, playD. Did, plaid

()4.He saw __________ on TV.

A. something terribleB. terrible something C. somethings terrible D. terrible some thing

()5.I did my homework .It was _________ difficult.

A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little

()6.        I studied __________ the math test.

A. on,B. atC. forD. in

()7.He enjoys ___________ very much.

A. play the footballB. playing football C. playing the football D. to play football

()8.-_______ you work hard _________?-Yes, I did.

A. Do , all dayB. Did , all dayC. Do , all day D. Did , all the day

()9.When he_______ young there _________ not so much food for him.

A. is, is B. was, is C. is , was D. was, was

()10.She likes playing _______ basketball. He likes playing ________ guitar.

A. the, the B. a , a C. /, theD. the, /

()11.He ________ his homework, he ________ to the library.

A. didn’tdo, wentB. didn’t did, goes C. didn’t do, goD. did not , went

()12.I played soccer ________ my friends ________ Sunday afternoon.

A. with, in B. with, onC. and, onD. and , at

()13.It was time for Old Henry __________.

A. go homeB. went homeC. to go home D. to go to home

()14.He stayed at home, _________ he?

A. didB. doesC. doesn’t D. didn’t

()15.For you , it’s useful to do more _________.

A. readB. readsC. to readD. reading

(.) 16.Did you clean the room? ___________

A. Yes, I doB. No, I didC. Yes, I don’t D .No, I didn’t

()17.When ________ your brother born?

A. wasB. isC. were D. are

()18.Is that ________ interestingnovel ? Yes, but it is _________ difficult.

A. an, a littleB. a, a bitC. a, littleD. an, a few

()19._________ your sister ________ the vacation?

A. How do, spendB. How did, spendC. What do, spentD. How does, spent

()20. His father ______in Beijing now. Last year he _______ in Dalian.

A. worked , workingB. works , working C. is working, workedD. is working ,works

三.        补全对话 (18分)


A: What _____1______ you do last night? You _____2_______ so tired.

B: I ______3______ to sleep very late last night. A: _____4_____ you out somewhere ?

B :No, I _____5________.A: Did you do all your homework?

B: No, I ______6_______.

A: I just want ____7______ tell you we are not going to have the test today.

B; Oh, no! I _____8______ for it all last night.


A: Hi, Ann! How _____9_____ your weekend?

B: It was _____10_____.

A: Oh, really? What ___11______ you do over the weekend?

B: I _____12______ a good rest and ____13________ some beautiful cities.

A: Where did you ____14_______? B: I _____15______ to Wuxi and Suzhou.

A: That sounds exciting!

B: _____16______17_______you? Did you have a nice weekend?

A:No, I___18_________. I stayed at home and did my homework.

四.        句型转换(20分)

1.I played the guitar over the weekend.(对画线提问)

What ___________ you ___________ over the weekend?

2.Every week he goes to the library.(用last week 改写)

__________week he___________ to the library.

3.Jim’s weekend was very great.(对环线提问)____________________Jim’s weekend?

4.I had a busy holiday. (变否定句)

I__________________a busy holiday.

5.Tina saw an interesting talk show last night.(变一般疑问句)

__________ Tina__________ an interesting talk show last night?

6.He did his homework after school yesterday. ( 变否定句)

He _________________his homework after school yesterday.

7.My sister often reads books on Sundays.(同义句)

My sister often __________ some __________ on Sundays.

8.Did you play football yesterday? (给出肯定/否定答语)

Yes, I ____________./No,I ____________.

9.She cleaned the room last weekend.(变一般疑问句)

__________she _________ the room last weekend?

10.They went to the beach last weekend ? (对画线提问)

_________________________________________ last weekend?


1.在假期期间你做了什么?What _________ you do ___________ vacation?


They _________ a party ____________ Saturday evening.

3.你的周末过得怎么样?   ________________________your weekend?

4.昨晚我没有看电视.I ____________________TV last night.


We ______________________ English every day.


__________Saturday morning , I _________tennis and cleaned my room.

六.书面表达。(10分)你的上一个周末是怎么样度过的? 写一篇60字的短文。

My great busy weekend.
dongluonan 发表于 2009-6-25 17:52:27
本帖最后由 dongluonan 于 2009-6-25 18:08 编辑

dongluonan 发表于 2009-6-25 18:19:16
Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?


1ptetty good 相当好;不错

2in the conner 在角落

3kind of boring 有点无聊

4be lost 迷路

5feel happy 感到高兴

6be fun 很有趣

7on vacation 在度假

8Central Park中央公园

9the Great Wall 长城

10the Palace Museum 故宫

11Tian’an Men Square 天安门广场


(1)—Where did you go on vacation?你去哪儿度假的?

--I went to the breach.我去了海滩。

(2)—How was the weather?天气怎样?

--It was hot and humid.很热,也潮湿。

(3)--It was kind of boring有点无聊。

(4)—That made me feel very happy.


(5)--We had great fun playing in the water. 我们在水里玩得很开心。

--have great fun doing sth表示“愉快地做某事”,“做某事很有趣”

(6)I helped him find his father. That made me feel very happy.


help sb.(to)do.sth.帮助某人做某事(to可省)

make sb.do.sth. 使某人做某事 let sb.do.sth.

Let me help you carry(搬动) it.


(7)I found a small boy crying in the corner.


find sb.doing sth.发现某人正在做某事。

find sb.do.sth.发现某人做某事(整个过程)

新目标七年级下学期期末总复习Unit 10精选题及答案


1.rain(形容词)____________ 2.beach(复数)_____________3.friendly(反义词____________

4.go(过去式)____________5.expensive(反义词) __________6.photo(复数)____________

7. study(单三)____________8.my (名词性物主代词)________9.find(过去式)____________

10.visit(现在分词) ___________


1.Why did you s________ at home?

2.There was not too much to see, the museum was b___________.

3.The vacation was r_________ , I feel great.

4.Where did you go? I v__________ a museum.

5.She studied for the e__________ yesterday.

6.It was r________ , so we had to stay at home.

7.My friends w___________ free last weekend.

8.The pants are too e__________, I can’t afford them.

9.The fried fish is very d___________.

10.There were many people on the bus, and it’s c___________.

11.The dog didn’t let me in. It was u_________ to me.

12.I didn’t have any m_______ for a taxi, so I walked back to the hotel.

13.We had great fun __________(play) football.

14.Jim decided ____________(go) to Shanghai.

15.How was the food on the plate? It was a__________.

16.Mary found her brother ___________(sit) in the corner.

17.Let me help you __________(find) him.

18.Her story made us _________(feel) sad.

19.The girl’s doll was lost. She was _________(happy).

20.Where did you go on v__________? I went to summer camp.


()1.Today we _________ the Great Wall, I think it’s great.

A. visits B. to visitC. visiting D. visited

()2.Last Sunday we went to the beach . We had great fun __________ in the water.

A. playingB. plays C. play D. to play

()3.It ________ rainy and windy on April 10th , I stayed at home all day.

A. isB. wasC. areD. were

()4.What did the foreigners _________ their vacation?

A. think ofB. think for C. think overD. think of as

()5.My mother and I _________ at my home _________that snowy night.

A. were, at B. was, atC. were, on D. was , on

()6._______ you _______ to see the film? Yes, I did.

A. Did , wentB. Did , goC. Are , wentD. Are , go

()7.It’s spring now, so we decide _______ to the mountains.

A. to goB. goingC. to going D. go

()8.I was late for school because the bus was too ________ for me to get on.

A. awfulB. fantasticC. crowdedD. exciting

()9.Who broke the window? I ________.

A. do B. doesC. brokeD. did

()10.My teacher _______ me do my homework yesterday.

A. makeB. makesC. making D. made

()11.The news made me _________ .

A. feel excitedB. feel excitingC. to feel excited D.to feel exciting

()12.On her way to Central Park, she found a little boy _______ in the corner.

A. cryB. crying C. to cryD. cries

()13.We ________ for dinner yesterday.

A. have aB. had fishes .C .had fishD. have fish

()14.It was cool last month, ________ we decided to go hiking.

A. soB. but C. andD. because

()15.______ he _______ at this school last term?

A. Did , studyB. Does, studyC. Was, studyD. Did, studied


A: ____1____ did you go over the vacation?

B: I went to the beach.

A: ____2_____ did you go with?

B: Tom.

A: ____3________4____the weather _____5_______?

B: Sunny.

A; ____6_____ did you like there?

B: Very good.

A: ____7_____ did you go there?

B: ___8____ taxi.

A: ____9____ you _____10____ a good time?

B: Yes, we did.


1.I was at home last night.(改为一般疑问句,做否定回答)

_______________at home last night? _________, _________________.

2.I did my homework yesterday.(改为否定句)

I _______________ my homework yesterday.

3.She went to London on vacation.(对画线提问)

_________ did you ________ on vacation?

4.The library was crowded.(对画线提问)

__________________the library?

5.Vera visited The Great Wall last Sunday.(改为一般疑问句)

________ Vera ________ the Great Wall last Sunday?

6.The boys were at school last Saturday.(改为否定句)

The boys __________ at school last Saturday.

7.He went to the movies last week.(对画线提问)

_________________he ________ last week?

8.Scott came back home on foot.(同义句)

Scott ________ back home.

9.He watches TV every Sunday evening.(用now 改写)

He __________________ TV now .


1.你们去年在哪度假的?Where _________ you go _________ vacation last year?

2.你假期过得怎么样? _________________ your vacation?

3.他们决定去看电影。They _________________ go to the movies.

4.那个小男孩迷路了。 That little boy __________________.

5.你觉得你们的假期怎么样?What did you ________________ your vacation?

6.我们在水里玩得很快乐。 We __________ great fun ___________ in the water.

7.她发现一个小女孩在角落哭。She found a_________ girl _________ in the corner.

8.我没有任何钱付出租车费。I didn’t ________ any money __________ a taxi.

9.他们从早饭一直玩到晚饭。They played _________ breakfast__________ dinner.

10.我不能忍受,做饭是妈妈的事。I can’t stand it. __________ is _________ moms!


1.What a great weather!____________

2.We have a lot of fun to fly kites.____________

3.I found a little boy cries in the corner._____________

4.Thank you for help me with my English.___________

5.The Canada were very friendly. ____________

八.书面表达。(10分)写自己旅游日记一则1。旅行路线。 2。天气/活动。3。风景等(字数60)

My Vacation

dongluonan 发表于 2009-6-25 18:27:57
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