





Save the best for last

发布者: bluelake | 发布时间: 2009-6-29 20:03| 查看数: 1881| 评论数: 3|

下载地址: http://cdn1-97.projectplaylist.com/e1/static10/349/2264909.mp3

Sometimes the snow comes down in June 有时六月下雪

Sometimes the sun goes 'round the moon 有时太阳绕月

I see the passion in your eyes有时你让我那样的惊喜

Sometimes it's all a big surprise你眼里柔情如水奔涌倾泻

'Cause there was a time when all I did was wish我所做的似乎只是一个期盼

You'd tell me this was love可你却说那是爱情火样的炽热

It's not the way I hoped or how I planned 这不是我心里的愿望

But somehow it's enough 我如何会有谋划策略?

And now we're standing face to face如今我们咫尺面对

Isn't this world a crazy place世界已经疯狂无法辨别?

Just when I thought our chance had passed 就在我万念俱灰不再奢望

You go and save the best for last 你却飘然而至真真切切

All of the nights you came to me那过去的日子你我共处

When some silly girl had set you free 定是某个笨女孩给你自由使你有了空歇

You wondered how you'd make it through 你不知道自己为何那样

I wondered what was wrong with you我也笑你心智泯灭

'Cause how could you give your love to someone else你如何可以把爱留给了别人

And share your dreams with me却又要与我同梦相依日日夜夜!

Sometimes the very thing you're looking for有时候你毕生追寻的

Is the one thing you can't see偏偏你又视而不见犹豫不决

And now we're standing face to face 如今我们咫尺面对

Isn't this world a crazy place世界已经疯狂无法辨别?

Just when I thought our chance had passed就在我万念俱灰不再奢望

You go and save the best for last你却飘然而至真真切切

Sometimes the very thing you're looking for有时候你毕生追寻的

Is the one thing you can't see偏偏你又视而不见犹豫不决

Sometimes the snow comes down in June有时六月下雪

Sometimes the sun goes 'round the moon 有时太阳绕月

Just when I thought our chance had passed 就在我万念俱灰不再奢望

You go and save the best for last 你却飘然而至真真切切

You went and saved the best for last你飘然而至真真切切!

Vanessa Williams为美国创作歌手、演员,全名Vanessa Lynn Williams,1963年3月18日出生于纽约一个音乐教师家庭。弟弟Chris是演员。她曾学习钢琴,但对唱歌情有独钟。1981-1983年在锡拉丘兹大学学习戏剧艺术。1983年大学二年级时参加美国小姐竞选而辍学,9月17日获选美国小姐,后因裸照风波被摘后冠。经历一段低潮期后,在亲密爱人的感化下,她跨出了自己的黑暗面,1988年发行首张个人作品「The Right Stuff」,可快可慢的舞曲、节奏蓝调之音阶掌握让Vanessa在歌唱界拾获另一片天。1991年,「The Comfort Zone」更为性感成熟的完美表现让她尝到冠军的滋味,一曲传遍大街小巷的 Save The Best For Last ,为Vanessa的歌唱旅途立下相当重要之里程碑;接连发行了「Sweetest Days」、「Star Bright」、「Next」等作品,替迪士尼动画片【风中奇缘】献唱的 The Colour Of The Wind(风之彩),都刻划在乐迷心中最美丽的声音收藏!接著忙碌奔波于百老汇、电影等舞台剧、戏剧演出,充分表露Vanessa不凡的全方位实力!


Vanessa Lynn Williams (born March 18, 1963) is an American singer-songwriter and actress. Williams made history on September 17, 1983 when she became the first woman of African American descent to be crowned Miss America. Williams' reign as Miss America came to an abrupt end when scandal led to her subsequent resignation of the title. Williams rebounded by launching a career as an entertainer, earning Grammy, Emmy, and Tony award nominations.

She is also well-known for her outspoken support of gay rights, having won the Human Rights Campaign "Ally for Equality" award in 2008.

Early life

Williams was born in Tarrytown, New York, the daughter of music teachers Helen and Milton Augustine Williams Jr. Williams and her younger brother Chris, who is also an actor, grew up in the predominantly white middle-class suburban area of Millwood, New York. Prophetically, her parents put "Here she is: Miss America" on her birth announcement.


Williams studied piano and French horn growing up, but was most interested in singing. She received a scholarship and attended Syracuse University as a Theatre Arts major from 1981 to 1983. She discontinued her education at Syracuse during her sophomore year to fulfill her duties as Miss America, and then subsequently left the university to focus on her entertainment career. Twenty-five years later she graduated based on her 'life experience'. Williams also delivered the convocation address on May 10, 2008, with 480 other students in the College of Visual and Performing Arts. She stated:

“It’s been 25 years since I was a student here. It just brought home what my message was, which is cherish the moment; these days are irreplaceable and are the beginning of the rest of your life".


bluelake 发表于 2009-6-29 20:09:05
shunitang 发表于 2009-6-29 22:16:58
my favorite...

I got it in 2007

it is easy to learn,就是唱不出那种味
简单啊 发表于 2009-7-2 13:18:28
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