






发布者: abc | 发布时间: 2005-10-29 13:01| 查看数: 40010| 评论数: 27|

I suppose many people will say "study with native english speaker by Email, text chat and voice chat." first two are obvious. if you want to practise oral english with them, the pressure and shyness are still big problem?
If you have any opinion, please tell me; and we will add them to the survey.

多选投票, 共有 20 人参与投票

距结束还有: 3098 天7 小时25 分钟



david 发表于 2005-10-29 13:17:07
haha,This is a very real issue for our group's members. Many of members are shy of voice chatting.
BlueMask 发表于 2005-10-29 15:08:17
David,i will be shy [em04] of taking voice chatting.
My english is so poor,
But I must do it.

fairy 发表于 2005-10-30 00:53:54
i just don't know what to say ,and hard to find topic ,and i don't have many foreign friends
slowpoke 发表于 2005-10-30 01:30:47
Shyness is something you absolutely want to overcone if you want to talk to native speakers. Americans in particular don't like shy people. They expect you to create fun and carry on the conversation as they do. If you want some opportunities to practise English with native speakers, try to make friends with them rather than use them to practise your English, and remember that friendship is the No. 1 thing between you and them and learning English should make way to it.
Stone 发表于 2005-10-30 09:54:00
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>slowpoke</I>在2005-10-30 1:30:47的发言:</B><br>Shyness is something you absolutely want to overcone if you want to talk to native speakers. Americans in particular don't like shy people. They expect you to create fun and carry on the conversation as they do. If you want some opportunities to practise English with native speakers, try to make friends with them rather than use them to practise your English, and remember that friendship is the No. 1 thing between you and them and learning English should make way to it.</DIV>Very good advice. Slowpoke is suck a wise person. If you want the foreigners to help you with your English, you'd better make friend with them first. And when you are talking with them, you must have your own ideas and be active. It is easy to make friends with them, but you must bring something that is new or great fun. You don't have to speak&nbsp;&nbsp;good English, but make sure you can understand what they say and make yourself understood. It is no big deal to talk with foreigners. Try,&nbsp;&nbsp;try, try, never say die. Overcome your shyness and do it.<br>

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-14 9:52:47编辑过]

samin 发表于 2005-10-30 10:14:57
but I really scare the foreign friend's ardency
I always get these question such as "do you like me?" or "do you love me?" when I talked with a foreign friend,I do really think there is no sex in chatting,what all I want to do is make friend with him,just friend...if am I choice wrong place to chat?
Linda 发表于 2005-10-31 10:19:06
   As I know,when talking with foreigners just let them know your means,and do not to consider other factor,it's not for a exam but just to have a chat.Of course you have to know enough words to express your means.After got more and more practices then you will success.
   But I have a big problem is my limited words.
abc 发表于 2005-10-31 13:01:26
Talking with native english speakers will be a program supervised by an organization. It is not a chatroom free accessed by anyone. Registration is required. Native language speakers play as teachers in the project are selected.
<STRONG>Mission of this project is to promote oral english practicing and culture exchange.</STRONG>
Any concern, suggestion and question are welcomed. Everything is open to discuss.
snowwhite 发表于 2005-11-2 19:16:01
  It's maybe hard at the first time to chat with native speakers.but after that,you will find it's funny.
  If they can understand you and you can understand them, then, that's ok.
  Most of the Americans are positive and optimistic,and most of the Chinese are  modest and timid.
So, the way of thinking and the attitude to life, we should learn from them instead of the lanaguage itself.
  well, we must work hard and improve our English step by step. that's for sure.
  Never stop! Never give up!  
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-2 19:27:35编辑过]

yachixixi 发表于 2005-11-3 10:34:05
sure,I will.....
Jacky0773 发表于 2005-11-3 11:16:33
I think people should read more.The more you read,the more you speak.Some people always feel they don't have many thing to say, even ask them to talk in Chinese.
We should read more.
porcriswang 发表于 2005-11-6 09:24:24
I will learn more and more possible .
but I don't have....5555
I want to make some foreign friends
tiffany 发表于 2005-11-10 22:07:04
only chat!
for what i can learn from them,i don't think!otherwise,it will not go with our mind!
kevin 发表于 2005-11-11 12:51:43
<FONT face="Arial Black" size=4>It's a true story that good oral English need practice, however, what is more important is to make sense easily when talking with native speakers, which is hard to achieve for most of English learners, so if i've got a friend who is a native English speaker, i'll by all means learn the culture and custom from him or her first...</FONT>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-11 12:52:51编辑过]

nine 发表于 2005-11-14 09:00:27
i am afraid of talking with foreigners,but in fact i have no chance to talk with them.i think if i have chance ,i will make me do that,sometimes it is a good way to give oneself some pressure.i like pressure,for it makes me stronger.[em31][em31][em31]
Stone 发表于 2005-11-14 09:56:00
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<i>kevin</i>在2005-11-11 12:51:43的发言:</B><br><FONT face="Arial Black" size=4>It's a true story that good oral English need practice, however, what is more important is to make sense easily when talking with native speakers, which is hard to achieve for most of English learners, so if i've got a friend who is a native English speaker, i'll by all means learn the culture and custom from him or her first...</FONT> <br></DIV><p>

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-14 9:58:27编辑过]

babyblue 发表于 2005-11-14 10:23:08
i will stay back... and say.. hey... you guys are cool.. thats it... ^^
fly202 发表于 2005-11-14 11:11:10
I have no foreign friends
Would anybody introduce one to me ?
oral english is so important  ,I must improve my english
let us learn together !
I am very happy to make friengs with all of you !
Wupeng 发表于 2006-6-24 17:25:31
I have wanted to make friends with foreign people all the&nbsp; time.but it is difficult for me to recognize a foreign person. last time&nbsp; i&nbsp;met a foreign person in&nbsp;the airport when i was waiting my flight.i sat by him.i really wanted to talked with him.but i&nbsp;hadn't&nbsp;&nbsp;done it until i&nbsp;went aborad.&nbsp;maybe i had no enough courge to do it.
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