






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2009-7-10 11:07| 查看数: 1779| 评论数: 0|


[飞跃式英语发音教程].Jump.Start.Phonics.ISO 详情 507.1MB

中文名: 飞跃式英语发音教程

英文名: Jump Start Phonics

资源格式: 光盘镜像

地区: 美国

对白语言: 英语



用电驴从外国等了两星期拖下了一个叫ENGLISH LEARNING的教程,兴致冲冲地却发现这个教程是个叫JumpStart Phonics的教程,由Knowledge Adventure 公司做的教程,是给美国3-6岁的儿童学发音的教程!!本想将它删了,但是想到祖国的下一代,祖国的花朵们,正在拙壮成长,英语的重要性,一定要让其受到滋润,所以还是得发上来,我想,对于儿童来说,或者对于完全没有学过英语的,或者对于刚学英语的人,这个东西还是有用的!!其卡通画面对于儿童更是非常具有吸引力!!相信你的孩子一定会喜欢这个东西的!!或者作为英语盲想学英语的你,其生动活泼的教学,也会让你有些触动,回想一下童年。。。。


From the acclaimed Jump Start series by Knowledge Adventure comes a great phonics learning program for kids 3-6.

Welcome to Camp Readalot where kids play fun games while learning all about letters, consonant and vowel sounds, blends, diagraphs, rhymes and story context clues.

Players choose a place to play and a special Jump Start pal will introduce them to a concept, let them explore and then play a game to reinforce what they have learned. Three skill levels ensure children are challenged as they play. Parents or children can change the skill level if necessary. Players earn merit badges as they complete activities and can hear exciting songs when they earn five merit badges. The merit board proudly display merit badges children win.

Kisha Koala helps children learn to identify letters and their sounds. There are some crazy squirrels with a basket. As kids click on letters objects that start with that letter will fall from the tree. When players are finished exploring they play the totem pole game. Kids build totem poles by matching consonants and their sounds. Upper levels challenge players to choose pictures with words that start or end with a certain sound. Totem poles pronounce sounds and will repeat the sounds with a click.

Casey the cat is at the pond and players make words by choosing turtles with different letters. Each letter is sounded out and words are sounded out after they are formed. This is a great activity to help kids learn to sound out words. Casey also has a fun river rafting game. Players steer Casey on his raft as they round up turtles to match letters, match ending letters or spell words.

Pierre Bear is in the field with the bees who can buzz vowel sounds. Kids click on flowers shaped as letters to hear short vowel sounds. The vowel bees need help finding the right hive. Bees will buzz sounds and kids choose the hive with the correct letter or vowel team. The game covers short and long vowel sounds as well as vowel teams. This is a unique activity to help kids master the important vowel sounds.

Children can also explore rhymes with Cecil the mouse and play a shipwreck game to identify rhyming words and complete rhymes.

Eleanor Elephant is ready to tell some stories and a the story cave is a cool place where stories are brought to life on the cave walls. Players practice letter recognition and identify story context clues in this delightful activity.

In addition there is a workbook with 33 pages to print for learning and fun away from the computer.

A lot of programs claim to have phonics, but this program is really phonics and all about phonics.



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