





[推荐]★Self-introduction★(Give me your attitude to my writing,OK?Thank you

发布者: Horry | 发布时间: 2006-3-12 13:48| 查看数: 12230| 评论数: 5|

Hello,ladies and gentlemen. I am He Dong. You can call me Horry. I am a vivacious and aggressive boy. As the saying goes well---A merry heart goes all the way. Therefore, You can see a smile always on my face.
I also like sports(basketball in particular and football comes second), music(especially the disco), computer games(those developed by EA-sports are all my favourate). Above all, English is the most attractive thing to me. So it is my fascination for English taht has led me to this webside and become a member.
And, I really hope that, in the future, we can share things interesting about English. And the problems we will come across can be solved together.
That's all! Gracías!
Thanks for your viewing.Could you give me your attitude to my writing?Thank you very much~![em07]


linkin-punk 发表于 2006-3-16 09:04:27
in the eyes of mine you've done it quite well but i guess there're some flaws on this writing 1,you may use clause instead of "()" 2,"we can share things interesting" . i think "interesting" must be settled before "things",or you may say"something interesting" 3.music(especially the disco) i think "the " is not necessary here that's my opinion and it's just the matter of opinion. if i made some mistakes ,please leave your message here.thank you ,my buddy!
kevin 发表于 2006-3-17 09:41:39
Hi Horry,I guess you have some learning in several languages, am I right? If so, that's a good thing! Althought there are some flaws in your writing, I can see you've had somewhat a good command of English already, but as "We live and learn" goes well, we should bear in mind and make progress day by day so as to achieve nearly perfect writing and conduct more professional English communication, agree? Well, let's be together.[em07]
Horry 发表于 2006-3-19 01:05:31
Hello Kevin! So happy for your evaluation. But actually I don't have some learning in several languages. Haha. I just know some words or sentences of them that is in common use. Your finding the flaws in my writing really give me more motivity to achieve nearly perfect. Also, your writing reads very fluent and give me a native English feeling. [em17]Could you tell me how long have you been studying English and what level have you reached? I'm just a senior 2 student. Many different kinds of difficulties are lying ahead of me. I will do my possible to learn for what it takes. Now I've got a dictionary as fuel, my heart as an accelerator and you my friend to help me. Thank you!Bonvoyage~~! I'll be back home next week, remember to reply, yeah~!
kevin 发表于 2006-3-20 13:04:10
Hi Horry, wish you a comfortable visit at home! It's good to see you young guys are crazy about English, hope you can enjoy your study and life with English very much. As for my English learning career, it's dated from my junior high school days. I'll be glad to give a hand when you run into difficulties in learing English.[em07]
bobo 发表于 2006-3-31 10:23:53
After hiding for quite some time preparing for my examination, I came back to shoulder my responsibility to take care of this section...I should give my apology. [em17] It's great to see another passional English learner enter this big family, I am giving you the warmest welcome, so be free to talk and enjoy your staying here. Here is a little friendly suggestion: Would you mind changing to a moderate font weight while writing? It's really dazzling.[em31]
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