





【今日话题】Top student rejected by top 20 US. universities

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-4-9 23:44| 查看数: 3537| 评论数: 10|

Several days ago I came back to my hometown and was surprised to know that my Alma Mater, the Shiyan Senior Middle School, one of the leading schools in Liaoning, was enforcing a regulation that demanded all parents to pick up their children at 12:00 am and send them to school at 6:00 am. That means those students only have less than six hours to sleep every day.

Another issue corresponding to this is that this year's top science student of Beijing in the college entrence examination was rejected by the top 20 universities in America, as if those universities had consulted with one another and then made a uniform decision.

What do you think is the main reason that the student was rejected by well-known US.universities?






binger-冰儿 发表于 2011-4-10 08:46:33
China now advocate so-called quality education, but actually just become a mere formality, the teacher only heavy scores, do not pay attention to the students of physical and mental health education, this is China education mourning
chloe99 发表于 2011-4-10 11:51:16
In the US, many universities enroll students by evaluating their comprehensive abilities and the whole academic records for a student, rather than a single test score. So if you really want to apply for a top-ranked school in the US, you have to demonstrate your achievements in full aspects, which means that you are not only required to achieve excellent academic records, but also possess abilities such as creativity, hands-on capability, contributions to your school or community and participation in extracurricular activities, and ect. Anyway, you need to fully demonstrate yourself as distinguished in all aspects of abilities. It is impossible to be accepted by rendering mere hight scores of entrance exams.
Lana1983 发表于 2011-4-10 15:41:35
As the saying goes,haste makes wasts.Schools should be focus of the ablity of the students,such as the ablity of reading ,thinking ,self-learning and innovation ablity.
clemeuce18 发表于 2011-4-10 16:01:01
jun3151 发表于 2011-4-10 16:39:05
凯旋城 发表于 2011-4-10 20:47:22
本帖最后由 凯旋城 于 2011-4-11 08:23 编辑

as far as i know, in america admission to universities is by evaluating a student's comprehensive quality as well as by examinaton.

to show your strong point in a particular field, you need to elaborate what you are good at rather than give a rough discription. for example,telling people that you are proficient at cooking sichuan cuizine is better than justsaying that you can cook nice food. many chinese students spend lots of words describing how good they are in almost every aspect without giving a single concrete example as they do when writing a resume in china. unfortunately this sounds impossible to most ameicans. what's more americans seem to have no interest in all kinds of certificates that we highly value and try to show off in a resume.

that 's to say sometimes it is not because our students are not qualified enough to be admitted to top-ranked universities but because they are not good at introducing themselves in a way of catering to americans that they are rejected by many U.S. universities.

in regard to high scores and low abilities, that's another matterwhich other friends here have already talked about at length.
jmdai88 发表于 2011-4-10 22:01:29
本帖最后由 jmdai88 于 2011-4-11 07:14 编辑

In general, top student should be accepted ,not rejected,by top universities. Unfortunately ,these top student are ours, yet the top universities are at American .Ours are only top at test .In the US. one who is only good at test can hardly be considered as top student. They evaluate student by many abilities,not a single test score.Thus it's also 'in general ' that our top students are rejected by the US. top universities !
306087443 发表于 2011-4-12 13:35:08
yes this situationexistin china.chinese education model aim at developing high score students ,rarely paying attention to their hands-on ability.in my opinion ,this maybe decided by national condition.as a student ,we can pay attention to these ,and choose what to do .
林觅知 发表于 2011-4-13 14:15:25
It's without doubt that the way our edcuation is imperfect.but we also have our features .our chinese spend more time on hard working by using a book and a pen.That makes us good at theory.And the foreign edcuation may focus on facts.I think our chinese top students shouldn't had been reject by the top 20 universities in America.we should learn from each other.
xumeng929 发表于 2011-5-11 12:15:11
yes this situation exist in china. chinese education model aim at developing high score students, rarely paying attention to their hands-on ability. in my opinion, this maybe decided by national condition. as a students, we can pay attention to these, and choose what to do.
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