





[原创]A love story in school

发布者: fairy | 发布时间: 2005-10-30 17:57| 查看数: 5616| 评论数: 6|

At last story i had said that love was  love .now i will tell you a story in my school ,but i knew it from the newspaper.
when i was a middle one student ,i just knew play,after i heart the story ,i knew another word "real love"
they were not only classmates but also good friends ,they always got the high marks in the examintation ,but the girl fail in the middle examintation ,and cann't go to the number one middle school in our city ,the boy had past that ,at last the boy stayed in the same school with the girl ,and they still studied hard together ,but when they were in grade three ,something happen to the girl (i am not sure what happen )the girl cann't go to school or had the disease ,i am not sure ,but the girl didn't want to encumber the boy ,she dicided to leave him ,at last the boy knew her thinking ,he gave her his word that he wouldn't leave her forever ,but god took a trick on them ,the girl seem to dead ,and the boy was so sad that he went to Amarica.
i just knew this ,but i am not sure what happen between them ,when we read it in the newspaper ,the girl all teared.


Cactus 发表于 2005-10-30 20:13:17

<FONT size=3>Dear Fairy,</FONT>
<FONT size=3>Very often, we are moved into tears about those love sotries, but because of the happy ending, but the tragedy at the end. The tragedy is more powerful to impress us for happy things are almost similiar to each other, whereas the tragedies vary. </FONT>
<FONT size=3>I appreciate your contribution of articles to our forum very much, but can I please kindly remind you of one thing? That is, do you mind capitalizing the initial letter of each sentences? I will highly appreciate that.</FONT>
<FONT size=3>Sincerely yours,</FONT>
<FONT size=3>Cactus</FONT>
Cenger 发表于 2005-10-31 10:42:05
<FONT face=Verdana>were they in high school or junior high?it was too young to fall in love in junior high,but for high school students is ok.</FONT>
elvint 发表于 2005-11-6 12:04:18
    The article is for us to appreciate, and we can also learn the author's idears from it , but can somebody come to guide us for the writing of correct scentences  ,correct the wrong one and give the better, i think if the author realy want to learn the english , she or he won't be angry,they could make their article more attracting.
fairy 发表于 2005-11-6 02:51:46
Ok ,i will .Catus.
Cenger ,you are right ,they are senior students
butterfly 发表于 2005-11-13 16:37:40
when i will have it that love.hehe
bison 发表于 2005-11-13 19:30:35
After reading the love story in senior school,I remembered my story .When I was in grade two in senior school.There were two boys .They were my classmate just only a short period.In this period,both of them took care of me very much.They helped me to improve my study.Actually I understood that they liked me.But in my eyes I only liked one of them. For some reasons,I went to another high school soon.They often wrote to me,and cared about me like the past.At the begining I replied to both of them. I was confused .Both of them told me their loveheart,but I couldn't tell them my real feeling.They are also good friends.I thought I can't hurt one of them.In the end I gave up to keep touch with them.Just put the complex feeling into my heart.
Now,I find my lover,and have no infromation about the two boys.When I remembere the story today,I just sigh with emotion.I think that is just a kind of feeling,maybe is different a little from love......
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