






发布者: 阑珊心语 | 发布时间: 2009-8-1 11:11| 查看数: 1399| 评论数: 0|

美国八胞胎母亲纳迪娅•苏莱曼的律师近日表示,苏莱曼已接拍一档电视真人秀节目,准备将八胞胎和她另外6个孩子的生活搬上电视荧屏。苏莱曼的律师说,苏莱曼已与本部设在荷兰的Eyeworks公司签署了拍片合同,但该公司尚未向任何美国电视台出售节目版权。苏莱曼自己将参与部分拍摄,剧组人员不会全天候追踪苏莱曼和孩子们,但肯定不会错过生日等重要时刻。The Southern California woman who gave birth to the world's longest-surviving set of octuplets has signed a deal to star in a reality television series, her lawyer said Sunday.

Nadya Suleman, who gave birth to the six boys and two girls in January and also has six other children, agreed to be filmed for a proposed television show by 3Ball Productions, attorney Jeff Czech said.

The company, which is a subsidiary of Amsterdam-based Eyeworks International, hasn't yet sold the show to any American television network, he said.

The show will be modeled after a successful Eyeworks TV series in Denmark that documents the lives of four children from the day they were born until they become adults.

"They came up with this idea, presented to her and she liked it because she'll get to use a camera and do some of the filming herself," Czech told The Associated Press.

He said film crews will not follow Suleman and her children 24 hours a day, but will document certain milestones such as birthdays and special events.

"It'll be less intrusive than a reality TV type of program," Czech said.


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