






发布者: 04011088 | 发布时间: 2006-3-14 17:13| 查看数: 4291| 评论数: 0|

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<TD class=gray14><FONT color=#2b2bd5>I'm not strong, I've got little games I play, when it really goes hard. when I'm working in the factory and the machines they make these rhythms and I just start my dreaming and it all becomes music <BR>                                            frome DANCER IN THE DARK <BR>我不坚强,情绪低落时我会自娱。我在工厂开工的时候,机器会发出有节奏的声音,我便开始做梦,那全变成了音乐 <BR>                                            自 黑暗中的舞者 <BR><BR>F:I wish the ring had never came to me. <BR>  I wish none of this had happened. <BR>G:so do all who live to see such times. But that not for them to   decide.All we have to decied is what to do with the time that is   given to us. <BR>  There're other force at work in this world, Frodo, beside the will of   evil. <BR>  Bilbo was mean to find the ring , in which case, you also were meant   to have it,and that is a encouraging thought. <BR>                                             from THE LORD OF THE RINGS <BR>佛罗多:我真希望魔戒没在我手中。 <BR>        我真希望这一切没有发生。 <BR>甘道夫:每个人遇到难关都会这么想,但是我们无法决定自己的命运。我们要决        定的是在一定时间内怎么去做。佛罗多,世界上除了邪恶还有其他力量        。 <BR>        比尔博注定要找到魔戒,你也注定要得到它,能这么想就好了。 <BR>                                              自 指环王 <BR><BR></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>


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