





[原创] To address traffic problems

发布者: lazybones | 发布时间: 2005-10-31 12:24| 查看数: 7621| 评论数: 1|

<STRONG><FONT color=#ff0066 size=2>(题目)In most parts of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. In the form of an assignment, discuss about the main traffic problems in your country, their causes and possible solutions.</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT size=2>The past two decades have seen a continuous and rapid increase in heavy traffic globally. Certainly there are many reasons contributing detrimentally to the problem. Serious as it is, it has aroused a worldwide attention <FONT face=Arial>—— particularly in China all parts sharing a combination of responsibilities are sparing no efforts to tackle the thorny issue with many effective measures. </FONT></FONT></STRONG>
<o:p><STRONG><FONT size=2></FONT></STRONG></o:p>
<STRONG><FONT size=2>The problems in relation to the heavy traffic vary from traffic congestion, a growing number of traffic accidents to air pollution and people’s disease in the wake of it. In large cities commuters are usually involved into traffic jams, spending additional hours on buses. Moreover, repair shops are always been engaged with coming orders. In addition, people always complain about the atmosphere over cities’ sky which sends more to the hospitals.</FONT></STRONG>
<o:p><STRONG><FONT size=2></FONT></STRONG></o:p>
<STRONG><FONT size=2>To analyze, these problems are mainly caused by two reasons. On the one hand, traditional public service can hardly meet the increasing traffic requirement. On such cases, we have to wait a long time for the means of transports and the packed buses and trains force many into private cars. On the other hand, more cars begin to appear on the roads when they are no longer luxuries for most people, which drive the crowded roads more unacceptable.</FONT></STRONG>
<o:p><STRONG><FONT size=2></FONT></STRONG></o:p>
<STRONG><FONT size=2>However, the current situation is likely to change in the near future provided that positive approaches are put into place. To begin with, the government is managing to promote the facilities of public transport, widening the roads and providing buses and trains more comfortable and frequent. Next, laws and regulations for high tax rate of private cars are on the stage of discussion. The end but not the least, the media and educational system are dedicating mutually to the awareness of public morality, encouraging more people to give up the freedom of cars. </FONT></STRONG>
<o:p><STRONG><FONT size=2></FONT></STRONG></o:p>
<STRONG><FONT size=2>With so many positive and creative measures and the efforts from both the authority and individuals, I am convinced the touchy issue today would soon turn to a new appearance.</FONT></STRONG><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>


kevin 发表于 2005-10-31 14:15:32
and this's lazybones's composition ?grace!
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