






发布者: zjstqw | 发布时间: 2009-8-4 08:14| 查看数: 2529| 评论数: 12|

38.Canda,_____second to Russia in size,is_____home to all kinds of animals and plants,making it famous for its natural scenery.


39.-Alice,turn off the light and lock the door before you leave.


A.Heard itB.Made itC.Got it D.Taken it

40.-Do you _______her optimistic view of thestate of the current economy?

-Yes.We should have faith in our government.

A.subscribe to B.contribute toC.correspond toD.submit to

41.In many Chinese families ,it is the father who has the final _____in the children's education and activities.

A.decision B.say C.consensusD.assessment

42.They landed safely on the island in the Pacitic.Everything went on as smoothly as they_____.

A。hopedB.were hopingC.had hoped.D. have hoped

43.Alex Lau ,______husbandof _______singer and______actress Kelly chen,wipes his face during their wedding ceremony at a hotel in Hongkong October2,2008.

A.the;the;/B.the;a;aC./;the ;/D.the,a;/

44.The data shows _______successful people have in common is______they have perseverance.

A.that that;that B.that what ;that C.what that;what D.all that;because

45.-I'd like to find a job in the library.

-Good idea, in m opinion,______it doesn't have a bad effect on you studies.

A.unless B.as long as C.now that D.even if

46.I'm looking for a new job,one____I can get a bit more job satisfaction.

A.whenB.wereC.that D.which

47.THe comments the expert made ________stock-market bothered him greatly,_______him not fall asleep all night.

A.concerning;makingB.be concerned ;which make

C.concerned;makingD.to be concerning;made



38.Canda,_____second to Russia in size,is_____home to all kinds of animals and plants,making it famous for its natural scenery. A./,aB.the,the C.the,/ D./,/第一空 second to ..表示次于,仅次于...,不需要加定冠词,第二空be home to..表示..之家 固定短语 39.-Alice,turn off the light and lock the door before you leave. -_____. A.Heard itB.Made itC.Got it 知道了D.Taken it 40.-Do you _______her optimistic vi ...


shunitang 发表于 2009-8-4 08:14:59
38.Canda,_____second to Russia in size,is_____home to all kinds of animals and plants,making it famous for its natural scenery.

A./,aB.the,the C.the,/ D./,/第一空 second to ..表示次于,仅次于...,不需要加定冠词,第二空be home to..表示..之家 固定短语

39.-Alice,turn off the light and lock the door before you leave.


A.Heard itB.Made itC.Got it 知道了D.Taken it

40.-Do you _______her optimistic view of thestate of the current economy?

-Yes.We should have faith in our government.

A.subscribe to订阅 同意, 赞成 B.contribute to归因于,有助于,捐献。。C.correspond to符合 相对应D.submit to屈服,屈从于,顺从

41.In many Chinese families ,it is the father who has the final _____in the children's education and activities.

A.decision在家庭中父亲做最后的决定B.say发言C.consensus 共识 D.assessment 评估

42.They landed safely on the island in the Pacitic.Everything went on as smoothly as they_____.

A。hoped B.were hoping C.had hoped.这题应该选C,希望在事情发生的过去,所以用完成时态D. have hoped

43.Alex Lau ,______husbandof _______singer and______actress Kelly chen,wipes his face during their wedding ceremony at a hotel in Hongkong October2,2008.

A.the;the;/B.the;a;aC./;the ;/D.the,a;/第三空用零冠词,因为陈慧琳是歌手也是演员,指一个人。表示身份,职位的名词前用零冠词。

44.The data shows _______successful people have in common is______they have perseverance.

A.that that;that B.that what ;that C.what that;what D.all that;because这题重复了,上次有问过了。

45.-I'd like to find a job in the library.

-Good idea, in my opinion,______it doesn't have a bad effect on you studies.

A.unless除非 B.as long as只要对你的学习没有坏影响就好了C.now that既然 D.even if 即使

46.I'm looking for a new job,one____I can get a bit more job satisfaction.

A.whenB.whereC.that D.which 我想B答案应该是where.这里用where。相当于from what.我正在找份新工作,一份我能获得更多工作满足感.one 后面通常用that ,但用that 时,是that 引导从句做one 的定语,that 做主语或宾语

47.THe comments the expert made ________stock-market bothered him greatly,_______him not fall asleep all night.

A.concerning;makingB.be concerned ;which make

C.concerned;makingD.to be concerning;made

这个句子首先分析结构,主句the comments bothered him greatly.这里又有一个定语从句修饰the comments.(the expert made the comments concerning stock-market),第二个是分词短语


参与人数 2鲜花 +30 收起 理由
tezukazyunko + 20 ^_^
严淼 + 10 资万励下,我最怕做题了


zjstqw 发表于 2009-8-4 08:16:49
shunitang 发表于 2009-8-4 09:19:52
匆匆做了下 解释不到位的


zykenglish 发表于 2009-8-4 12:01:50
4# shunitang

41.In many Chinese families ,it is the father who has the final _____in the children's education and activities.

A.decision在家庭中父亲做最后的决定B.say意见 发言C.consensus 共识 D.assessment 评估(我的意见是选B更好些,较口语化,类似汉语的“[最后]说了算”)

42.They landed safely on the island in the Paci
fic. Everything went on as smoothly as they_____.

Ahoped跟他们希望的一样进展顺利,这里用了as..as结构B.were hopingC.had hoped. [这个时态更合理] D. have hoped

43.Alex Lau ,______husbandof _______singer and______actress
Kelly chen, wipes his face during their wedding ceremony at a hotel in Hongkong October2,2008.


C./;the ;/ D.the,a/[我选D。此题原文标点似有错,我加了个红色逗号就可以了。此处singer actress不可定指,译作“(一个名字为……的)歌手的丈夫”,正式译时宜作技术处理,去掉啰嗦的词,变成“歌手……的丈夫”]

44.The data shows _______successful people have in common is______they have perseverance.

A.that that;that
B.that what ;that C.what that;what D.all that;because这题重复了 [这题答案出错了。这样改:B. what; that

引出宾语从句并兼主语从句。that引出表语从句);或A. all that; that。这时,all之前实际上省了个thatall之后的那个that就构成了定语从句。或把D中的because改成that也成。用becauseChinese English.]

45.-I'd like to find a job in the library.

-Good idea, in my opinion, ______it doesn't have a bad effect on you
r studies.

A.unless除非 B.as long as只要对你的学习没有坏影响就好了C.now that既然 D.even if 即使

46.I'm looking for a new job, one ____I can get a bit more job satisfaction.

B.whereC. that (one是不定代词,定语从句的关系代词只能用that ) D.which 我想B答案应该是where.这里用where。相当于from what.我正在找份新工作,一份我能获得更多工作满足感.

47.THe comments the expert made ________stock-market bothered him greatly,_______him not fall asleep all night.

A.concerning;makingB.be concerned ;which make

C.concerned;makingD.to be concerning;made

这个句子首先分析结构,主句the comments bothered him greatly.这里又有一个定语从句修饰the comments.(the expert made the comments concerning stock-market),第二个是分词短语。建议把原题中的not fall 改成fail


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
tezukazyunko + 20 谢谢zy


shunitang 发表于 2009-8-4 12:16:29
41题 我知道B有发言权,也考虑过那个答案。但加了个final的话,我就以为是最后的决定权了。。

有时感觉做题跟个人的思维理解有蛮大关系的哈 。。。
shunitang 发表于 2009-8-4 14:15:57

嘻嘻,LZ 告诉我正确答案吧。。。
tezukazyunko 发表于 2009-8-4 20:15:27
本帖最后由 tezukazyunko 于 2009-8-4 20:35 编辑

zf87 发表于 2009-8-4 21:40:17
i am not sure about Q41 either, so i did some search on the web.

A=final decision in

B=final say in

from google, A got 576,000 hits, while B got 440,000 hits.

from Brown corpus, A got none, B got only one.

the website for concordance search:



hence, my conclusion is that there is no much difference between the two options. probably, that is the sadness of our english education system.


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
shunitang + 20 good


zf87 发表于 2009-8-4 21:45:36
i also checked on the longman dictionary, and found an entry for "final".

3        if a decision, offer, answer etc is final, it cannot or will not be changed:

The judge's        decision is final.

final decision/say/approval etc


We can advise the client, but in the end it is he who        has the final say.

Is that your final answer?

and that's final! (=used to say forcefully that you will not change your decision)       

She's not coming with us, and that's final!


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
tezukazyunko + 20 bonus~~


zjstqw 发表于 2009-8-5 22:52:11

shunitang 发表于 2009-8-6 09:01:37

dawey 发表于 2009-8-6 17:11:33
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