






发布者: athruntse | 发布时间: 2006-3-16 15:00| 查看数: 6013| 评论数: 5|

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delia 发表于 2006-3-16 18:13:14
that's quite useful
TheYeti 发表于 2006-3-20 11:08:08
Not again! This collection of 200 sentences has been repeated posted in this and many other forums. The truth is, they are NO GOOD. <STRONG>These are taken from partially corrected student essays.</STRONG>
<STRONG>***Please, once again, read the message I left on this forum. Or read the corrections at </STRONG>
< 0cm 0cm 0pt"><STRONG>试修改 `英语写作绝对有用200句/英语写作必背200句</STRONG>
<a href="http://www.rainlane.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=11&amp;id=19210" target="_blank" >http://www.rainlane.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=11&amp;id=19210</A>
TheYeti 发表于 2006-3-20 11:12:14
. 英语作文必背200句 <BR>作者:athruntse   浏览:62   回复:2  →   【英语考试】 2006-3-16 15:00:16  [精华] <BR>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. <FONT color=#ff0066><STRONG>多错的“英语写作必背200句”变成了“句型完美,经典文章,精华中的精华”</STRONG></FONT> <BR>作者:TheYeti   浏览:48   回复:1  →   【学习资料】 2006-2-11 14:09:17   <BR>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. [转帖]英语写作必背200句---------内容有错误,SORRY,请谨慎参考 <BR>作者:BlueMask   浏览:142   回复:11  →   【学习资料】 2005-12-25 15:07:20   <BR>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. 雅思英语写作必背200句 <BR>作者:david   浏览:48   回复:1  →   【英语考试】 2005-11-18 14:02:33   <BR>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. 写作必背200句,背诵完精彩文章任你写 <BR>作者:david   浏览:150   回复:3  →   【学习资料】 2005-11-18 11:23:12   
delia 发表于 2006-3-20 19:44:45
真的啊?现在直接是傻了,还背了一些。羞愧。只好先给搂住取消精华,如果真的no good,免得误导。however, I wonder why are you so sure about your criticis?give me some advice,thank you ,really

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-20 19:48:59编辑过]

TheYeti 发表于 2006-4-30 07:02:47
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>delia</I>在2006-3-20 19:44:45的发言:</B><BR>真的啊?现在直接是傻了,还背了一些。羞愧。只好先给搂住取消精华,如果真的no good,免得误导。however, I wonder why are you so sure about your criticis?give me some advice,thank you ,really<BR></DIV>

Yes, I am pretty sure about my criticism. Just read the correction at
< ><FONT size=3>试修改‘英语写作绝对有用200句/英语写作必背200句’ <B>一至 100</B>” <a href="http://www.rainlane.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=11&amp;id=19210" target="_blank" >http://www.rainlane.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=11&amp;id=19210</A>  </FONT>
< ><FONT size=3></FONT>
< ><FONT size=3>  I may not be that good in English, but I can tell when something is not good. I am not an English teacher, but I did had to teach in English. ("Had to" because I am already retired.)</FONT>
<P ><FONT size=3></FONT>
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