





年轻人vs父母 谁更环保?

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-5-14 12:54| 查看数: 1131| 评论数: 0|

Older women are generally the most fervent recyclers, says a new report on global recycling habits that turns on its head the widely-held view that young people are more green than their parents.

In Asia, Hong Kongers recycle more than mainland Chinese and Japanese, but far less than South Koreans.

A report by market-research firm Synovate found that 52% of Hong Kongers said they had recycled waste at home in the past week. In the Asian countries surveyed, 86% of South Koreans said they had, along with 39% in China, 36% in Japan, 15% in India and 5% in Indonesia, which came in last among the 28 countries included in the report. Canada led the rankings, with 88% of respondents saying they had recycled, followed by South Korea, Spain, Belgium and Italy. The U.S., at 10th place, had 66%.

The survey found that Hong Kong women are more likely to recycle than men (61% versus 43%), along with older residents (59% of those age 56-65 had recycled in the past week compared with 37% of those age 16-25). This generally held true for all the countries surveyed, with only Argentina, India and Italy having more males recycling than females. Argentina's youth, along with those in Indonesia, India and Serbia also recycled more than their older counterparts. Synovate said women and older consumers often make the household decisions, giving them greater opportunities to engage in green habits.

Hong Kong has been somewhat late to join global recycling efforts, launching its territorywide domestic recycling plan only in 2005. Though Hong Kong faces a critical waste-management problem─the government expects landfill space to be filled within this decade if waste levels continue at their current rate─its recycling program, run by the Environmental Protection Department, is voluntary rather than mandatory.

As of the end of 2009, the government's latest data, about 67% of Hong Kong's population lived in a building participating in the city recycling program, which encourages residents and housing estates to sort domestic waste for recycling. In 2009 about 35% of domestic waste was recovered, compared with 14% in 2004. The department aims to recover 26% of domestic waste by 2012.

'Clearly, domestic waste has the greatest potential for improvement in terms of recovery and recycling,' the department's 2005-2014 Policy Framework for the Management of Municipal Solid Waste report states, noting that commercial and industrial waste sees recovery rates of 60-70%.

The Synovate survey also found that 21% of Hong Kongers had bought organic food in the past week and 14% had purchased ecologically-friendly products, such as energy-saving light bulbs. Denmark led the way in both of those categories, with 69% buying organic products and59% buying eco-friendly ones.

The survey was conducted between July and September 2010 and surveyed people from ages 16 to 65. Sample sizes for each country ranged from 600 people to 1,200.


Getty Images香港,等待被回收的废纸。在亚洲,香港人比内地中国人和日本人回收的废品更多,但远不如韩国人。









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