





【今日话题】How to bring dogs under control?

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-5-16 23:12| 查看数: 3077| 评论数: 11|

China's largest city Shanghai has slashed deep fees for dog registration in an effort to gain controls over the fast increasing population of dogs and curb rabies.

It's said the previous registration fees are 2000 yuan for city residents and half that for those in suburbs,which results in a large number of dogs not being registered.

Now registration fees have dropped to 300 yuan for downtown residents and 200 yuan for those in suburbs.But whether the new rules will induce Shanghainese to legalize their pets remain to be seen.

Do you think think it an effective measure to administer dogs only by adjusting registration fees? Besides this have youother suggestions?










凯旋城 发表于 2011-5-17 09:34:49
authorities in our country used to reinforce management over dogs by increasing registration fees or rounding up and killing illegal dogs. unfortunatly, these measures resulted in public resistance. some even consider it an intrusion to their private properties to confiscate or kill their dogs.

humanitarain measures should be taken to address this problem in stead of brutal slaughters.

slashing deep fees for dog registration might be a good method to encourage people to legalize their dogs and gain control over them. the result depends on whether the government will implement this measure on a long-term basis.
jmdai88 发表于 2011-5-17 11:25:26
It's our duty to pay taxes to our government , andin turn, it's government's duty to serve us. So when hearing the news, my first question is that why our authorities always ask for extra fees whenever they thought of 'managing' something?Does the fees can bring the dogs under control? I only know that the extra fees(fine) for the overweight truck is making more trucks more overweighted!
306087443 发表于 2011-5-17 13:15:50
i don't think it will make sensefor residents to hand in registration fees.even though the fee has dropped ,the management is government 'duty ,it have the right to control the dogs' population .but why alwaysneed fees
runnerh 发表于 2011-5-17 17:12:07
I don't think it is an effective measure to administer dogs only by adjusting registration fees.Health authorities should strengthen the antiepidemic for pets.And the dog owners should rein their pets when they go out for walks.
Lana1983 发表于 2011-5-18 08:22:46
I don't think the fee can bring the dog under control .All of the services fronm the government are always ask for fee.Why we still have to pay taxes?It is good for the people to feed dogs.The government should help them and introuduce the basic knowledge.People will be willing to cooperate with the government.
凯旋城 发表于 2011-5-18 08:29:45
回复 5# jmdai88

after reading your comment , I think i need to reconsider the problem.

in a country where we are heavily taxed, the government should not impose other fees any more and anything concentrating around registration fees is not the key to this problem. however, the reduction is good news to the public. after all it's better than the previous high registration fees.

comparing to high registration fees or rounding up and killing illegal dogs, laying down a series of practible effective and humanitarain regulations to replace the previous clumsy ones is a better way to tackle the problem. it requires the goverment to organize reliable experts for suggestions and collect imformation broadly from people in all walks of life, rather than enforce regulations arbitrarily thought out without any foundation, as some local governments did in the past.
chloe99 发表于 2011-5-18 12:28:07
The new policy is much better measure to solve the problem.

I believe lowering the fees will certainly allow more people to be able to register their dogs within affordable and acceptable ranges for dog registrations. In the meantime, adding some free services upon the registration could also be considered as good means to award people to adopt dogs legally, such as providing free rabies vaccination, training program, castration, and, etc, which will also be good means for government to manage dog controls.
凯旋城 发表于 2011-5-18 14:25:22
回复 14# chloe99

the trouble is that after we pay registration fees, we receive nothing. they collect fees only, but seldom offer services. this is why there is plenty of resistance among the public.

so in my opinion, whether this problem can be sovled has little to do with registration fees.
凯旋城 发表于 2011-5-18 15:02:44
本帖最后由 凯旋城 于 2011-5-18 15:11 编辑

i don't mean it's not right to charge fees. it's acceptable to charge fees (within our affordable range) for their services. but we don't want to see dog's droppings here and there or a woman frightened by a big dog not being kept on the leash, after we pay various kinds offees.

i know this can be achieved by self-discipline of the owners, while what is most neededis the government's effective administration and supervision on a long-term basis.
小猫女子 发表于 2011-5-19 09:50:08
I think between 200-300 yuan of registation of dogs still too dear.I did not know why we need paid for everything when we need help with under paid taxes?China govenment only know money and oney.
海望天 发表于 2011-5-19 10:58:34
i agree
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