






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-5-17 22:56| 查看数: 1583| 评论数: 0|

The new chief executive of Alibaba.com held his first conference call with reporters on Thursday and left listeners scratching their heads when his remarks about the company’s revenue forecast didn’t seem to add up.

Jonathan Lu took his post at Alibaba.com, which operates websites that connect buyers and suppliers, after former CEO David Wei resigned following a fraud scandal in February. Mr. Lu was thus handed the weighty task of rebuilding the company’s credibility and guiding it through an in-progress business transition, entailing a new focus on boosting revenue per user rather than raising the raw user numbers that have fueled growth in recent years.

Mr. Lu, who is also CEO of Alibaba.com’s sister company Taobao, an online shopping website, made a quiet debut as Mr. Wei’s replacement. Having just taken the job, he didn’t speak to reporters in March after Alibaba.com announced a set of financial results. He participated in a call with analysts that reporters were allowed to listen in on, but left most of the talking to Chief Financial Officer Maggie Wu. Alibaba.com declined to make him available for interviews.

Two months later, during Thursday’s conference call on the company’s first-quarter financial results, Mr. Lu seemed more comfortable speaking about the company. But his remarks on revenue growth quickly became a source of confusion.

“We forecast that basically, it’s possible the growth rate of 2011 revenue─overall revenue, may be about the same as 2010, flat,” he said early in the call, speaking in Chinese. He proceeded to emphasize he meant “revenue” and not “revenue growth” would be flat.

The comment came as something of shock given the company’s recent results. Alibaba.com notched revenue growth of 29% in 2009 and 43% in 2010.

But in response to a later question, Mr. Lu said revenue growth for the rest of the year would be “about the same” as the 25.5% growth Alibaba.com logged in the first quarter hardly flat growth even by China’s high-octane standards.

When asked to clarify, Mr. Lu gave a more noncommittal answer: “This year’s revenue will still grow, but the growth will be relatively mild… Overall, 2011 revenue will have some growth compared to 2010.”

After the call, the company was quick to send a clarification statement, but it also seemed to differ slightly from the earlier remarks. “We expect revenue to grow, but the rate will not be the same as in the previous years. The view of the revenue for coming quarters would be relatively flat compared to Q1, but it will represent continued growth from 2010,” the statement said.

While the conflicting statements seem to be the result of a simple miscommunication, the confusion highlights the size of the challenges Mr. Lu may be facing as the head of both Alibaba.com and Taobao.

Mr. Lu’s background differs substantially from that of his predecessor. Mr. Wei, who spoke English on results conference calls and often accepted interviews. Mr. Wei had been chief financial officer and president of Kingfisher PLC’s home-improvement retailer, B&Q China, and worked at other large companies, including PricewaterhouseCoopers, before joining Alibaba.com.

That big-company resume contrasts with the more entrepreneurial background of Mr. Lu, who was a lobby manager at a hotel before he started his career in technology by co-founding a network-communication company.

Mr. Lu’s conference call isn’t the only communications breakdown to be associated with the Alibaba name. Yahoo, which owns a roughly 40% stake in Alibaba.com parent Alibaba Group, revealed earlier this week that the Chinese company had transferred ownership of an online-payment unit to a separate entity controlled by Alibaba Group Chief Executive Jack Ma. Yahoo said Thursday it was notified of the move on March 31 seven months after it was completed, without the knowledge or approval of Alibaba’s board or shareholders.

Alibaba said it moved ownership of the unit, Alipay, in response to rules issued last year by China’s central bank that could potentially bar foreigners from owning controlling stakes in Chinese Internet-payment services.



Alibaba.com Ltd. via Bloomberg阿里巴巴CEO陆兆禧.陆兆禧同时也是阿里巴巴姐妹公司淘宝网的CEO。他的首次亮相很低调。3月阿里巴巴公布一系列业绩结果后,当时刚刚上任的陆兆禧未与记者交流。他参加了与分析师的电话会议,但大多都是首席财务长武卫在讲话。阿里巴巴拒绝让他接受采访。








陆兆禧的背景与前任CEO卫哲迥异。卫哲在业绩报告电话会议上讲英语,并经常接受采访,在加入阿里巴巴之前,他曾任Kingfisher PLC旗下家装零售商百安居中国(B&Q China)的首席财务长和总裁,也曾在普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers)等其他大公司工作过。




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