






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-6-2 23:04| 查看数: 2889| 评论数: 14|

selfish is the nature character of human ?



人天生有与大自然、与“家”等亲和的欲求;对自认为美好的东西的维护; 肯定、爱护自己,抵御外敌、疾病; 对单调乏味、压抑生活等厌恶,远离的欲求;突破局限的冲动; 吸纳“营养”的欲求; 对有害生命的东西的警惕,等等 这些对生命的良好发展有存在价值,在后天环境的影响互动下,其中有些可能发展为恶,有些可能发展为善,如许多善就是从“对自认为美好的东西的维护”发展出来的,所以,人天生并不是自私的!在恰当的家庭、社会教育和影响下,善的心灵能够得到正常的发展。










yymelodic 发表于 2011-6-3 07:45:37
maybe.selfish is the nature character of human. when you were born,you are notselfish.but if you grow up. you should take care yourself,and live a peaceful and civilized society,sometimes you'v got a selfish. but selfish is just for yourself.not for your society. you'd better help the others around your side. sometimes you would devote yourself to your country. at that time.you aren't selfish.you are selfless guy. but when you are fall in love with sb, you are a selfish. Ithink it is common and natural character. but it is different sense between them.you are selfish just for your life.and you are having been loving your family and your lover. so in order to love moreand let them happy,you have to be selfish,but when you face the benefits of the country,you will abandon your selfishness.and do it for your country,or for your collective. so I think it is available for yourself when you correct treatment according the facts.
Lana1983 发表于 2011-6-3 08:38:15
Yes ,it is.
陈莲 发表于 2011-6-3 09:00:26
Since we were born on the earth.while we are really big,so we'll devote ourselives to society. Because we must be live. eg,for family and lover and child and so on. we are standing in the society. we have to move forward to follow after the social developmen.

As the saying goes: "people is the productive forces, are also consumers"

Therefore,on the one hand. Regard to factory and people relative is equal. nothing has selfish.becuase Cooperation relationship is smooth.

On the other hand,In the work within the scope of benefits, relationships between people is selfish.

As metifirstd up . this is a private opinion.
weichiyuyou 发表于 2011-6-3 09:35:43
YES,I thank so
crystal@2011 发表于 2011-6-3 10:37:10
Selfish is the nature character of human.
凯旋城 发表于 2011-6-3 10:56:33
Though I don't know if man is selfish by nature, I know there is no one in the world but is selfish to some extent.
runnerh 发表于 2011-6-3 13:36:02
human is selfish
hyc 发表于 2011-6-3 13:42:38
caosha36salinna 发表于 2011-6-3 16:05:15
I hold that selfish is the nature of human character. What's more. Human are born with evil. There are some qualities that human share with animals. For example, selfish. All the people are born evil. But with the grow of the every man, parents or teachers will tell them how to a man in the civilized society. Then he begins to overcome some qualities of animals. Once I read William Golding 's "Lord of Flies", it describes that some children lived in an island without any people except of them. In the beginning, they can cooperated with each other. But, with the time elapse, they fought with each other. At last, they killed kind Semon, and lovely Piggy.
241555991 发表于 2011-6-4 07:41:02
l think people are selfish. But not for days of sorrow.
jmdai88 发表于 2011-6-4 15:27:35
It's mainly depends on how do we define Selfish.In short, I am sure that no body says a baby Selfish!
huowa222 发表于 2011-6-4 17:31:24
i argue that hunman are born selfish. living enviroment has a far-reaching influence on hunman personality. people who generous postnatally forms

Icy90 发表于 2011-6-4 22:02:57
No, I don't think so, I believe in us do that just for live in the tough world.

we must earn more money make our life better and better. so we have to selfish.

God, PLEASEFORGIVE US, the poor human.
flyingwings 发表于 2011-7-28 14:21:16
I don'tthink selfishness is the nature of human.In my view,it depends on environment.When a baby came to the world,he or she is just like a white paper.All all the context on it is added by people.And when they grow into an adult,they will be confronted with differentchoices,and at this time,they will choose a way that benefits themselves most.They are not born selfish,but forced to be selfish by environment.
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