





[四级写作] 四级考试写作必备:常见词汇英文表达(8)

发布者: 上官飞飞 | 发布时间: 2011-6-11 17:37| 查看数: 1115| 评论数: 0|

emphasisn. force or stress given to a word or words when spoken, to make the meaning clear or to show importance

empiricaladj. based on observation or experiment, not on theory

enablev.make able to do sth by giving him the necessary authority or means

encounterv.meet or find oneself faced by (sth/sb unpleasant, dangerous, difficult, etc)

energyn.ability to act or work with strength and eagerness

enforcev.~ sth force people to obey (a law, etc); make sth effective

enhancev. increase make (sb/sth) look better

enormousadj. very large; immense

ensurev.make sure; guarantee

entityn.thing with distinct and real existence

environmentn.conditions, circumstances, etc affecting people's lives

equatev. ~ sth consider sth as equal or equivalent (to sth else)

equipv. ~ sb/sth (with sth) supply sb/sth (with what is needed, for a particular purpose)

equivalentadj. ~ equal in value, amount, meaning, importance, etc

erodev. destroy or wear (sth) away gradually

errorn.thing done wrongly; mistake

establishv.set up on a firm or permanent basis

estaten.area of land, esp in the country, with one owner

estimaten.judgement or calculation of the approximate size, cost, value, etc of sth

ethicn.system of moral principles; rules of conduct

ethnicadj.of a national, racial or tribal group that has a common cultural tradition

evaluatev. find out or form an idea of the amount or value of (sb/sth); assess

eventualadj. happening at last as a result; ultimate

evidentadj. ~ (that...) obvious (to the eye or mind); clear

evolvev.(cause to) develop naturally and (usu) gradually

exceedv. be greater or more numerous than (esp a quantity)

excludev.~ sb/sth prevent sb from entering somewhere, taking part in sth, etc; keep sb out

exhibitn.object or collection of objects displayed for the public, eg in a museum


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