





菲利普亲王迎来90大寿 搞笑语录集锦

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-7-6 23:21| 查看数: 1108| 评论数: 0|



  ON STATE VISITS 国事访问   "You look like you're ready for bed!" To the President of Nigeria, who was wearing traditional robes.   对身着传统民族服装的尼日利亚总统说:你看起来像是要去上床睡觉的样子啊!   "Do you still throw spears at each other?" To Aboriginal leader William Brin during a visit to the Aboriginal Cultural Park in Queensland, 2002.   2002年访问昆士兰土著文化公园时,对土著部族领导人威廉·布林说:你们现在还会互相扔长矛吗?   "You managed not to get eaten then?" To a British student who was trekking in Papua New Guinea, during an official visit in 1998.   1998年正式访问巴布亚新几内亚时,对一名在当地背包登山的英国学生说:“你成功地使自己没被这些人吃掉吧?   "Aren't most of you descended from pirates?" To residents of the Cayman Islands in 1994.   1994年访问开曼群岛时对当地居民说:"你们中间大多数人不都是海盗后代么?"   ON EUROPE 在欧洲的访问   "I would like to go to Russia very much — although the bastards murdered half my family." In 1967, when asked if he would like to visit the Soviet Union.   1967年当被问及是否想访问苏联时他回答:"我是很想去俄罗斯——尽管那些狗杂种杀了我一半家里人。"   "Damn fool question!" To a BBC journalist at a banquet at the Elysée Palace in Paris after she asked the Queen if she was enjoying her stay.   一次女王夫妇访问巴黎时在爱丽舍宫参加宴会,在场的一名BBC记者问到女王是否喜欢这次旅程,亲王代答道:"这是什么烂问题啊!"   "It's a vast waste of space." To guests at the opening reception of a new ?18?million British Embassy in Berlin in 2000.   2000年,在耗资一千八百万英镑新建的英国驻柏林大使馆开幕仪式上,亲王对到场客人说:"这真是对空间的巨大浪费。”   "You can't have been here that long — you haven't got a pot belly." To a British tourist he met during a tour of Hungarian capital Budapest in 1993.   1993年在匈牙利首都布达佩斯旅行时,他对一名英国游客说:“你来的时间肯定不长——看你连啤酒肚都还没长出来。(暗讽匈牙利食物)”   ON WOMEN 评价女人   "British women can't cook." Endearing himself to the Scottish Women's Institute in 1961.   1961年参观苏格兰女子学院时跟对方客套说:“英格兰女人根本不会煮饭!”   "You are a woman, aren't you?" To a Kenyan woman in 1984, after accepting a state gift.   1984年接受了对方的国家礼物后,对一名肯尼亚妇女说:“你是女人,是吧?”   "If it doesn't fart or eat hay, she isn't interested." On his daughter, Princess Anne.   评价自己不婚的女儿安妮公主:“如果对方不放屁、不吃草,她是不会感兴趣的”。(安妮公主出了名的爱马)   "When a man opens the car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife."




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