






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2011-7-14 23:01| 查看数: 877| 评论数: 1|

Clothing Shopping Tips

Most women relish(v.喜欢,享受于) the opportunity to spend a day at the mall, perusing(v.细读,仔细观察) store windows and racks (n.衣架), chatting with friends, and bringing home a wardrobe of new, stylish clothes. Still, some of the excitement of clothing shopping inevitably wears off when the credit card statements(信用卡帐单) arrive. Follow these three steps to make sure your next shopping outing doesn't break the bank(=use up all one’s money 破产,身无分文).

1Be prepared when you go shopping. Spur(n.冲动,刺激) of the moment purchases are fine for small items, but they often lead to buyer's remorse(n.悔恨). Before hitting the mall, take stock of(估计,观察) what items are sorely missing from your closet and how much you can realistically spend. Be sure to dress comfortably and give yourself plenty of time in the stores. This will allow you to make decisions out of reason, not rush.

2While shopping, stay focused on the clothing items you need. You may want to try shopping alone to avoid the distraction of friends. Always try on clothes in front of a three-way mirror and have a definite purpose in mind for each purchase. Keep in mind the body you have right now and don't be tempted(v.使…感兴趣) to buy clothes for the body you wish you had.

3. As you make decisions, remember that clothing shopping should be an investment. You should buy clothes of high quality that will last for many years. You may also want to buy items of clothing in complete outfits so you know that you will definitely wear them. If you find a pair of pants or a shirt that fits perfectly, feel free to buy the item in multiples. That perfect fit could be difficult to find again on your next shopping venture.

These shopping tips should help you fill your closet with stylish, high-quality clothes you will wear for years to come.




2. 购物时,总关注你需要买的物品。你或许应该尝试单独购物以避免朋友们的干扰。总是在三面镜前试穿衣服,并且在做每次购买决定时在头脑中都有明确的购买目的。记住你现在的身体尺寸,不要被怂恿着去购买你想拥有的尺寸的衣服。

3. 当你做决定的时候,记住买衣服也是一项投资。你应该购买能穿许多年的高质量的衣服。你也可以买能搭配成套的衣服单品,这样你知道你肯定会穿。如果你发现一条裤子或者衬衫可以搭配得很好,可以毫不犹豫地买上几件。在你下一次的购物中,你可能很难再邂逅完美的合身衣服了。



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