





2011英语四级全面复习:听力常见场景词汇- 社会问题类

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2011-7-18 11:24| 查看数: 1211| 评论数: 0|



environment protection 环境保护;

reclaim 开垦;

deforestation; 滥砍滥伐

over-fishing 过渡捕鱼;

dump 倾倒;

ecosystem 生态系统;

vegetation 植被;

oxygen 氧气;

ozone layer 臭氧层;

deterioration 恶化;

pollution 污染;

recycle 回收再利用;

circulation 流通,循环;

purify 净化;

radiation 辐射;

drought 干旱;

dust-storm 沙尘暴;

acid rain 酸雨;

greenhouse effects 温室效应;

global warming 全球变暖;

rare 稀有的;

sensitive to climate; 对气候敏感的 ;

endangered species 濒危物种;

wipe out 清除,消亡;

extinction 灭绝;

conservation 保护,保存;


industrial Revolution 工业革命;

famine 饥饿

refugee 难民;

migrate 移民;

immigration 移民;

settlement 定居;

cultural conflict 文化冲突;

diverse 多样的;

multiculturalism 多元化文化主义;

descendant 后代,后裔;

racial segregation 种族隔离;

racial discrimination 种族歧视;


women’s liberation 妇女解放;

sex discrimination/sexism性别歧视;

women’s movement 妇女运动;

professional women 职业女性;

domestic violence 家庭暴力;

traffic in women 贩卖妇女;

abuse 虐待

compensate 补偿;

divorce 离婚


international organizations 国际组织

non-governmental organizations 非政府组织

economic sanctions 经济制裁;

economic recession 经济衰退;

economic depression 经济萧条;

reform 改革;

crisis 危机;

institution 机构;

alliance 联盟;

cooperation 合作;

politics 政治;

(anti-) dumping (反)倾销

deficit 赤字;

legislation 立法;

merge 并购,合并;

judicial 司法的;

listed company 上市公司;

executive 行政的

subsidiary 子公司;

parliament 国会;

the Congress 国会(美);

bankrupt 破产;

the Secretary of State 国务卿

the State Council 国务院

break out 爆发;

summit meeting 峰会;

internal affairs 内政;

rebel 暴乱;

terrorism 恐怖主义;

strike 罢工;

CEO (chief executive officer)首席执行官

GDP (gross domestic product)国内生产总值

GNP (gross national product) 国民生产总值


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