





世界最贵人字拖诞生 售价达2万美元

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-8-31 08:41| 查看数: 1363| 评论数: 0|

 Flip-flops, cheap and cheerful staples of summer wardrobes, normally cost less $20. What can be so special about this pair, then, which will set one shopper back a smooth $18,000? Made by Chipkos, 'the world's most expensive flip-flops' feature hand-painted art by renowned LA-based artist, David Palmer. But other than that, they look pretty normal.

  也许夏天出门随意搭配一双“人字拖”是广大的男男女女最最不费脑、最最省心、最最经济的一种选择了,然而就是这种“夏天出门必备”的鞋子都能够卖到天价,不得不让人觉得实在是匪夷所思,近日,由Chipkos出品,国际艺术大师David Palmer亲手操刀手绘画图而成的一双“艺术人字拖”竟然卖到了一万八千美元,据悉,这双拖鞋除了价钱比较特别之外,没有任何一点和普通拖鞋有所不同。


It's what comes with the flip-flops that really pushes the price up, though. Chipkos is run on sustainable principles and adopts 100 square feet of endangered rainforest for every pair of shoes - usually $58 - sold. By buying the $18,000 pair, Chipkos pledges to adopt 100,000 square feet of rainforest 'for the protection and preservation of land, species and natural resources.'   由品牌Chipkos在市面上销售的人字拖一直把“热带雨林”图案作为自己的常备款式,在市面上售价一般是58美元,虽然售价为一万八千美元,同样是“热带雨林”图案的人字拖与一般拖鞋并无不同之处,然而品牌Chipkos却给予了这双昂贵拖鞋一个很好的销售理由-------为了保护珍贵的热带雨林以及自然资源。   The beach shoes, made from raffia, recycled rubber and EVA, also come with a private meet and greet with the artist, who is known for his bright, abstract works. Then, there is the 'two-night stay at the luxurious and eco-friendly Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills' to consider - the plush hotel has received several green credits for its sustainable building design.

  据悉,拖鞋的材料有:拉菲亚树叶之纤维、再生橡胶和醋酸乙烯酯共聚物构成,当然,作为“定睛之笔”,艺术家David Palmer的亲手手绘贡献自然是少不了的了。知道么?艺术家David Palmer作画的“画室”并不简单,他在位于比佛利山庄超级豪华的 Montage酒店“埋头苦干”待了整整两日才最终让天价拖鞋真正大功告成,天价拖鞋成本中自然也包括艺术家作画的“房费”了。

The buyer will also receive a one-of-a-kind hand painted piece of art by Mr Palmer, a mahogany wood and glass display case, a certificate of authenticity and let's not forget the Chipkos carrying bag - which is, of course, eco-friendly.   据悉,能幸运拥有这双拖鞋的买主还可以额外获得由于艺术家Mr Palmer制作的,独一无二的,由桃花心木与玻璃制成的艺术品,以及一个艺术品的官方证明。当然了,也少不了品牌Chipkos赠送的环保手袋一个。   Art curator and editor Peter Frank says of the artist: '...like Rosenquist, Lichtenstein, and others over the past half-century who have painted the visual racket of a consumer society, Palmer manifests not so much a love-hate relationship with the modern condition of image assault as an awe at its immensity and the thoroughness of its presence in our consciousness.'   艺术馆长Peter Frank说:“艺术大师Palmer也和半个世纪依赖的诸多大师一样为现实主义贡献自己的力量,然而Palmer大师并没有对现代艺术品表现出过度的喜欢或者厌恶,他只是在做他自己的工作而已。”   Visual racket or not, it may be up to the purchaser to decide whether the world's most expensive flip-flops are a comment on modern consumerism. Oh, and for any potentially interested art wearers, one word of caution: $18,000 doesn't give you a choice in shoe size. The 'unique' pair of sandals are only available in a men's size 8/9.

  究竟是否符合这个天价价格,还是得消费者来说的算的事情。然而,可惜的是,这双鞋并没有尺码可以选择,码数为男子版的 8/9码,仅此一双。看来,尽管花得起钱消费,还不一定穿得上,消费者怎么说还不一定是上帝呢。


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