





Unit 4 Robert isn't well.罗伯特感觉不舒服.

发布者: kathy | 发布时间: 2011-9-5 16:22| 查看数: 2533| 评论数: 0|

Unit 4 Robert isn't well. 第四单元 罗伯特感觉不舒服。

Lesson 7 第七课

Listening and Understanding 听力理解

Listen 听

Linda: Hello, Karen. How are you? 琳达:嗨,卡伦,你好吗?

Karen: I'm fine. But Robert isn't very well. 卡伦:我很好,但是罗伯特不是很好。

Linda: Oh, I'm sorry! What's the matter with him? 琳达:噢,真遗憾!他出什么事了?

Karen: I'm not sure. He's very hot. He isn't well. 卡伦:我不太确定。他很热,感觉不舒服。

Linda: Is he hungry? 琳达:他饿吗?

Karen: No, he isn't hungry. 卡伦:不,他不饿。

Linda: Is he thirsty? 琳达:他口渴吗?

Karen: Yes, he's very thirsty. 卡伦:是的,他非常口渴。

Linda: Poor Robert! I am sorry! 琳达:可怜的罗伯特!我很遗憾!

Linda: What about the doctor? 琳达:医生呢?

Karen: The doctor's very busy. 卡伦:医生非常忙。

Linda: Yes, but Robert is ill. 琳达:是啊,但是罗伯特病了。

Karen: Perhaps not very ill. But you are right. Better safe than sorry! 卡伦:可能病得不厉害。但是你说得对,有备无患.


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