






发布者: sd6292766 | 发布时间: 2011-9-28 00:32| 查看数: 1655| 评论数: 0|

A: Well, Mrs. Ramsay has lived with her cat Rastus in her flat for a great many years. So she was worried about him after finding Rastus had disappeared. On the other hand, Mrs. Ramsay followed the kidnapper’s instruction to pay large amount of money to let Rastus come back safely without telling the police. So, this cat was really dear for 1000 pounds payment as another way.

Summary Writing:

Three days’ after Rastus’s disappearance, Mrs. Ramsay received an anonymous letter from the kidnapper. In this letter, the kidnapper demanded 1000 pounds for the return of her cat and told her that if she called the police, she would lose her cat permanently. Mrs. Ramsay had to put her 1000 pounds from her bank into a cardboard box. She followed the kidnapper’s instruction to leave the box outside the door. The next morning, the money box disappeared and Rastus returned punctually at 7 that evening.


In a bar one night, Mr. X was talking to a workman who told him that he had found a beautiful flat and an old lady, Mrs. Ramsay lived in it. The workman added that she had a cat which lived with her for many years. Every day, Mr. X stood outside to take a look at that flat. As the cat coming back by 7 every evening that it had regular habits. He also found out as much as he could about Mrs. Ramsay and learned that this cat could help him to make lots of money. One evening, as the cat was leaving the block of flats, he threw the fish to attract the cat. In this way, he let the cat come towards him and took it into a pet box. During the next three days, he walked past Mrs. Ramsay’s flat on several occasions and noticed a cardboard box. Now that he was sure this old lady had received the anonymous letter he wrote in which he needed 1000 pounds as the statement of the return of the cat and warned her of never telling the police.




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