





大学英语四级考试巅峰听力 录音及文本 Track 09

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2011-10-8 09:09| 查看数: 1344| 评论数: 0|

[00:01.42]Conversation One

[00:03.05]M: I have been studying too much and need a change.

[00:06.78]So I've just made plans to go away during the January break.

[00:10.94]W: Really? Where are you going?

[00:13.01]M: I'm planning to visit New Mexico.

[00:15.53]W: My sister and I vacationed there last year

[00:18.27]and we had a great time.

[00:20.45]M: Did you get into Albuquerque?

[00:22.64]W: Sure. Whenever we weren't skiing.

[00:24.72]M: Is it far from the mountains?

[00:26.69]W: Not at all. See,

[00:28.01]even though Albuquerque is on a high flat plateau,

[00:31.06]there are even higher mountains near it.

[00:33.80]Just half an hour away from the city there are snow-covered slopes.

[00:38.28]M: Well. As the mountains are just thirty minutes away,

[00:41.79]I guess I should take my ice skates and my skis.

[00:44.96]W: Definitely.

[00:46.16]M: I heard that the weather there is great.

[00:49.12]W: It is. No humidity, moderate temperatures,

[00:52.18]but you do need to be careful about the high altitude.

[00:55.25]M: What should I do about that?

[00:57.43]W: Oh, just take it easy for a few days.

[00:59.73]Don't go hiking up the mountains or exercise too vigorously.

[01:03.78]Just do everything gradually.

[01:05.97]M: I'm sure I will be fine.

[01:07.93]And I will let you know all about my trip when I come back.

[01:11.22]Questions 1 to 3 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

[01:18.32]1. Why does the woman know so much about Albuquerque?

[01:42.18]2. What can be inferred about the man?

[02:03.16]3. According to the woman,

[02:05.25]what may cause the man the most problems in the Albuquerque?

[02:25.88]Conversation Two

[02:27.59]M: Hi, Sally. This is Phil.

[02:30.55]W: Great to hear from you, Phil.

[02:32.08]How have you been doing?

[02:33.17]M: To tell the truth,

[02:34.60]I'm very worried about our final examination next month.

[02:37.77]For one thing, I can't sleep.

[02:40.06]W: I sympathize. I went through the same thing last year.

[02:44.22]M: That's exactly why I'm calling you.

[02:46.96]Do you have any suggestions for coping with anxiety?

[02:50.57]You know how I hate exams.

[02:52.87]W: Well, last year the university offered a stress management course

[02:57.13]at about this time.

[02:58.23]Have you been in contact with the student help services?

[03:01.40]M: No.I haven't had time.

[03:03.48]W: Funny, isn't it?

[03:04.79]Just when students need help most we can't afford time to get it.

[03:08.62]M: Well,perhaps I should find out more about this stress management course

[03:12.56]since I've got to get better.

[03:14.20]W: I suggest you call the health services tomorrow.

[03:16.50]They open at 9 a.m.

[03:18.19]M: Thanks, Sally.

[03:19.17]I'll let you know how it goes.

[03:20.52]W: Best of luck. And have a good night's sleep.

[03:23.15]M: That's easier said than done.

[03:25.12]Questions 4 to 6 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

[03:32.35]4. Why is Phil worried?

[03:54.26]5. Why does Phil turn to Sally for advice?

[04:16.42]6. What does the university offer to students in Phil's condition?

[04:36.79]Conversation Three

[04:39.74]M: Did you take these pictures?

[04:41.60]They are very good.

[04:42.91]W: Yes,I think they turned out well too.

[04:45.65]I like to take my camera with me wherever I go.

[04:48.59]That way,if I see something interesting,

[04:51.00]I can snap a picture of it.

[04:52.75]M: Carrying a big camera around is too much trouble for me.

[04:56.14]W: My camera is really small,

[04:57.78]though.Here let me show you.

[04:59.76]M: That is a compact camera,

[05:01.72]but you really must know a lot about photography

[05:04.35]to get such professional looking results.

[05:06.76]W: Not necessarily.

[05:07.85]This camera is simple to operate.

[05:10.04]M: Does this model come with flash attachment for indoor shots?

[05:14.20]W: Better than that!

[05:15.84]It has a built-in electronic flash and an automatic focus too.

[05:20.21]I don't even have to worry about focusing.

[05:22.95]M: That's what I need.

[05:24.69]When I take pictures they usually come out blurry

[05:27.97]because I don't adjust the lenses properly

[05:30.05]and I hate photos that are out of focus.

[05:32.24]Is a camera like yours very expensive?

[05:34.97]W: Less than you'd expect.

[05:36.40]Why don't you check the prices at Hatfield's down the street.

[05:39.67]This model was on sale there last week.

[05:42.08]M: I think I will,it certainly won't hurt to take a look.

[05:45.80]Questions 7 to 9 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

[05:52.14]7. As the conversation begins, what are the man and the woman doing?

[06:17.60]8. What is the major advantage of her camera,according to the woman?

[06:37.33]9. What is the man probably going to do after the conversation?

[07:02.52]Conversation Four

[07:04.16]W: Can I help you?

[07:06.67]M: Yes, I'd like to read some articles that are on reserve

[07:10.83]in the library for Anthropology 311.

[07:14.00]W: Professor Gill's class?

[07:15.86]M: That's right. How could you know?

[07:18.05]W: Let's just say you are not the first person coming in asking for those articles.

[07:23.41]M: Oh, well, seeing as how I haven't read any of them yet,

[07:27.24]it doesn't really matter which one you give me first.

[07:29.76]W: I'm afraid I can't give you any of them at the moment.

[07:32.93]They've all been checked out.

[07:34.79]M: Youre kidding, all of them?

[07:36.54]W: Every last one.

[07:37.85]I've asked Professor Gill twice already

[07:41.35]to bring in additional copies of the articles,

[07:43.76]but no sooner do I place them on the shelves than they are gone.

[07:47.48]See that girl in the black sweater?

[07:49.32]She's been waiting for half an hour for these same articles to be returned.

[07:54.02]M: And here I went out of my way to free out the whole afternoon to read.

[07:58.84]W: I'm sorry, but there is not a whole lot I can do about it.

[08:02.77]All I can suggest is that you come in first thing tomorrow morning and try again,

[08:07.92]We open at eight.

[08:09.23]Questions 10 to 13 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

[08:18.53]10. What is the man surprised to learn?

[08:35.53]11. What can be inferred about the students in Anthropology 311?

[08:55.62]12. What does the woman say about Professor Gill?

[09:14.91]13. What does the woman suggest that the man do?


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