





大学英语四级考试巅峰听力 录音及文本 Track 16

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2011-10-8 11:05| 查看数: 1739| 评论数: 1|





[00:01.08]Passage One

[00:03.38]I flew to San Francisco

[00:05.90]to take care of some business with Mr. Jordan.

[00:09.37]But as soon as I arrived,

[00:12.32]I got sick and couldn't meet with him.

[00:15.39]I had to call our appointment off.

[00:18.77]Then when I felt better,

[00:21.73]I thought about visiting him at his home,

[00:25.12]but he lived too far away.

[00:27.85]I tried to telephone him during office hours

[00:31.90]but he was busy.

[00:33.65]The receptionist said

[00:36.31]that Mr. Jordan would call me back.

[00:38.71]But he didn't.

[00:40.03]I gave up trying to make a new appointment

[00:43.86]because it would take more time

[00:46.04]and effort than I wanted to spend.

[00:48.56]A few days later,

[00:51.30]I saw a man on the street who looked like Mr. Jordan

[00:55.34]and I called out to him.

[00:57.42]It was someone else.

[00:59.71]When I returned to my hotel that day,

[01:03.00]I found a message which said

[01:05.84]that Mr. Jordan had gone out of town

[01:08.58]on some sudden unexpected business.

[01:11.75]I was sorry I had missed seeing him,

[01:15.26]but I really enjoyed my sightseeing.

[01:19.32]Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.

[01:27.32]1.Why couldn't the speaker meet Mr. Jordan

[01:32.36]when he got to San Francisco?

[01:49.42]2.Why did the speaker give up making another appointment?

[02:13.28]3.What did we learn from the story?

[02:32.93]Passage Two

[02:35.99]Deer are confirmed vegetarians.

[02:39.71]But you would never know it

[02:41.68]by watching the white-tailed deer in an island

[02:45.73]in Lake Michigan each spring.

[02:48.68]In the first documented case of its kind,

[02:52.63]two wildlife biologists, writing in a journal,

[02:57.43]report that deer have been gulping down a kind of small fish,

[03:02.79]which die off each spring and summer,

[03:05.97]washed up on the beach.

[03:08.27]It is reported that the average deer eat 235 fish

[03:14.72]during each of three daily trips to the beach.

[03:19.21]The white-tailed deer were introduced to an island

[03:23.81]in the lake in 1926.

[03:27.09]The first fishdie offs began in the late fifties.

[03:32.23]It is also said that deer have never been heard

[03:36.82]to eat meat on a regular basis,

[03:39.45]although occasional occurrences have been reported.

[03:44.48]Someone once spotted a deer eating a dead salmon.

[03:49.52]It is also presumed that deer eat bird,

[03:53.56]but don't get the opportunity to do it very often.

[03:59.18]Questions 4 to 6 are based on the passage you have just heard.

[04:05.74]4. According to the talk it is common sense that__________.

[04:26.99]5. What will be eaten by the white-tailed deer?

[04:48.32]6. When were these white-tailed deer introduced to the island?

[05:11.53]Passage Three

[05:13.28]Tom Smith was a writer.

[05:16.12]He wrote detective stories for magazines.

[05:19.95]One evening he could not find an ending for a story.

[05:25.20]He sat with his typewriter in front of him,

[05:28.05]but he had no ideas.

[05:30.34]So he decided to go to the cinema.

[05:33.30]When he came back,

[05:35.38]he found that he had had a visitor.

[05:38.22]Someone had broken into his flat.

[05:40.96]The man had had a drink,

[05:42.49]smoked several of Tom's cigarettes and had read his story.

[05:46.98]The visitor left Tom a note:

[05:49.28]“I have read your story and I don't think much of it.

[05:53.98]Please read my suggestions

[05:55.62]and then you can finish it.

[05:57.92]By the way, I am a thief.

[06:00.66]I am not going to steal anything tonight.

[06:03.61]But if you become a successful writer, I will return!”

[06:07.77]Tom read the thief's suggestions.

[06:11.04]Then he sat down and wrote the rest of the story.

[06:14.00]He is still not a successful writer,

[06:16.62]and he is waiting for the thief to return.

[06:19.80]Before he goes out in the evening,

[06:22.09]he always leaves a half-finished story by his typewriter.

[06:27.02]Questions 7 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard.

[06:33.91]7. About whom did Tom write stories?

[06:54.27]8. Why did Tom go to the cinema?

[07:15.02]9. What did the man do at Tom's home?

[07:35.99]10. How did Tom feel about the thief's suggestions?


周允柄 发表于 2011-10-18 16:10:09
l谢【13929421212 .QQ:875331812】(春节送礼、货到付款)










13929421212 QQ:875331812


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黄鹤楼.漫天游(软包)(真烟接支、原厂烟丝配置) 380

黄鹤楼.(紫金.软包)(原厂烟丝配置 ) 300

黄鹤楼.特制精品(蓝软包)(真烟接支、原厂烟丝配置) 260

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苏烟.(金砂软包) (原厂烟丝配置)220


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