





[上课文本录音] Aoi老师 突破口语 第四课 10月13日

发布者: AOI | 发布时间: 2011-10-18 09:44| 查看数: 3752| 评论数: 2|


Remove Yourself from Stress远离压力

If you can’t remove the stress, remove yourself.

Slip away once in a while for some private time.

These quiet moments may give you a fresh perspective on your problems.

Avoid stressful people. For example, if you don’t get along with your father-in-law

but you don’t want to make an issue of it,

invite other in-laws at the same time you invite him.

Having other people around will absorb some of the pressure you would normally feel.

如果你们不能转移压力,那就让自己远离压力。适当离开一段时间,为自己找个私人空间。这些安静的时刻也许能够使你对问题产生新的看法,避开给你产生压力的人。例如,如果你和你岳父相处不融洽,但你又不想让这成为大问题,那么在邀请他时也邀请其他的姻亲,有其他的人在身边会消减一些你平常所感觉到的压力。 2) Steve Jobs Speech Part I

I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world.

I never graduated from college.

Truth be told, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation.

Today I want to tell you three stories from my life.

That's it. No big deal. Just three stories.


eks 发表于 2011-11-21 04:52:12
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