





公寓伙伴系列节目- (适合跟读和背诵)--episode 12

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-10-19 14:14| 查看数: 887| 评论数: 0|

本期音频下载: http://vedio.koolearn.com/upload/fckeditor_upload/Flash/2009/1/9/10/1853501788.mp3

Michal: Well that rom-com was much better than I expected. It was really romantic. Thank you.

Alice: Oh, it was my pleasure.

Michal: Would you like to do it again? go out on another date with me?

Alice: Another date? Michal, that wasn't a date we were on there.

Michal: It wasn't? Oh, I thought it was.

Alice: No, we're just good friends.

Michal: Yes, we are good friends and I'd like us to be better friends so I'm going to ask you: would you like to go out with me?


To go out on a date/To go out with someone: (和某人约会)

To have a romantic time (usually an evening) with someone.

To witness: (亲眼见到) To see something and be able to describe it later


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