






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-10-19 14:40| 查看数: 971| 评论数: 1|

The seal feels perfectly safe lying on the Antarctic ice even if it is surrounded by a pod of killer whales.   


But within minutes it has been knocked into the water in a clever team tactic before being killed.  


 These astonishing pictures show how the sea predators work together - and the technique provides meals for killer whales three out of every four times they use it, according to scientists.  

 这一系列让人吃惊的图片都展示了海洋捕食者是怎样合作的,而据科学家们书,虎鲸每顿饭都要用三四次这样的方法进行捕食。   Research has also found that the mammals - around 26ft in length and weighing more than six tonnes - carefully butcher the prey underwater, co-operating as they skin and dissect the seals.  


 Dr Robert Pitman, a marine scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in California, took the stunning images of the pod going in for the kill.  


  He said: 'The killer whales were very good at knowing in advance if they were going to be able to wash a seal off a floe and they were always successful in getting the seal into the water.  


'A couple of times the seal was washed off but managed to escape in the confusion, but not very often. From killer whale studies elsewhere we expected this kind of social interaction but it was the canniness of their hunting tactics that blew us away.'  

 “有几次海豹会试图逃跑,但是这种情况并不会经常发生。虎鲸让我们意识到了这种社会关系的重要性,但是他们捕食猎物时的机警和迅速还是让我们所有人都感到吃惊。”  '

 Dr Pitman and his colleague Dr John Durban helped a BBC film crew capture their behaviour for the TV documentary series Frozen Planet, to be shown later this month.  


They spent weeks tracking and recording the hunting behaviour in the pack ice off the coast of the Antarctica Peninsula.   他们花了几个星期的时间在南极洲的半岛的冰盖上跟踪和记录虎鲸的狩猎的行为。  

 The whales prefer weddell seals, which can be up to 11 feet long,rather than the more aggressive crabeater and leopard seals.   鲸鱼们似乎都喜欢吃韦德尔海豹,他们能有11英尺长,比一般的黑鳕鱼和海豹都更难捕获。

  Dr Pitman told the Sunday Telegraph that the whales deal with seals who try to hide among the ice after being knocked into the sea by creating shock waves with their tails to knock them out into the open water.  


He said: 'The whales also blew streams of bubbles under the seals apparently trying to get them to bolt into open water where they wouldn't have a chance against the waiting killer whales.'



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