





【话题】Can we always take care of our own health?

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-10-19 23:24| 查看数: 2427| 评论数: 6|

Can we always take care of our own health? If yes, explain. If no, give some examples of who we need to rely on to take care of our health.








cheryljoylee 发表于 2011-10-20 11:00:06
I'm trying to keep myself healthy, but my body and the circumstance where I stay didn't allow me a easy job.

I always get flu, mumps, tonsillities, I don't know what courses that.

What I can do is get up and get to sleep in time, have dinner as possile as normal.

Do you have any advice to me?
dgxuting 发表于 2011-10-20 14:24:54
The most important is a regular life every day.

1 Early to bed and early to rise.

2 Meals on time. Big breakfast,lunch is full,dinner less

3 Need some exercise everyday

4 To keep you happy every moment

5 Make friends

6 Build the interest

and so on.

( reference youdao)
Emmily 发表于 2011-10-20 21:43:29
My answer is we can't ,at least in China is no a easy work to always take care our own healthy. The food we eat are kind of prisonous, we don't have the foundation to keep healthy.
刀刀Lee 发表于 2011-10-21 22:45:30
wecan not alwaystake care ofourhealth . Inthe previoussociety , people are busyall days . the majority are in sub-healthstate . for me , i staybefore computer for a long time everyday sufferingfrom the radition . so we needpay more attentionto our health .we can

relay on our friends and family membersto take care of us . formost , i thinkwe shouldkeepa goodattitue . feeling well with our inner mind .only in that way can we live a better life .
popcat 发表于 2011-10-22 10:09:59
to me,as an irregular working- scheduled employee,I have to build my health carefully,or

I'll lose it quickly.Body exercise,together with various games and matches,I chose them as the

efficent method to hold my health body condition.besides,to be friendly to the people around

u is very important as well.U can't imagine to stay a good health codition in a hostile environment.
popcat 发表于 2011-10-22 10:10:22
to me,as an irregular working- scheduled employee,I have to build my health carefully,or

I'll lose it quickly.Body exercise,together with various games and matches,I chose them as the

efficent method to hold my health body condition.besides,to be friendly to the people around

u is very important as well.U can't imagine to stay a good health codition in a hostile environment.
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