






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-10-20 14:57| 查看数: 793| 评论数: 0|

A South Florida woman got a shock when she opened a recent cell phone bill: she owed $201,000.一位南福罗里达州女性收到近期话费账单时震惊了:她欠电信公司20万零1千美元。

  It was no mistake。这不是话费公司搞错了。

  Celina Aarons has her two deaf-mute brothers on her plan. They communicate by texting and use their phones to watch videos. Normally, that's not a problem. Aarons has the appropriate data plan and her bill is about $175.欠下如此高额话费不是Celina Aarons一个人干的,还有她的两个聋哑人兄弟。他们用短信联系,并且用他们的电话看视频、一般来说,这也不是什么大问题。所以Aarons的正常话费应该是175美元。

  But her brothers spent two weeks in Canada and Aarons never changed to an international plan. Her brothers sent over 2,000 texts and also downloaded videos, sometimes racking up $2,000 in data charges。但是她的兄弟们在加拿大待了两星期却没有换国际套餐。她的兄弟们发了2000多条短信,还下了视频,所以这部分的通讯费达到了2千美元。

  When Aarons read the bill -- all 43 pages of it -- she realized she owed $201,005.44.当Aarons看到账单——整整43页的账单——她发现自己欠了20万1千零5块44美分。

  "I was freaking out," Aarons told the news station WSVN. "I was shaking, crying, I couldn't even talk that much on the phone. I was like my life is over!"“我当时吓坏了,”Aarons接受WSVN新闻采访时说。“我吓得发抖、大哭,在电话里我都说不出话来了。我觉得我的生活都玩完了。”

  Thankfully, T-mobile agreed to lower the bill to a more manageable $2,500 and gave Aarons six months to pay up, WSVN reports。据WSVN报道,幸好T-mobile公司同意将花费减少到比较能接受的2千5百美元话费,并让Aarons在六个月内还上这笔钱。


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