





不要乱看美剧学英语Don't aimlessly watch American TV series

发布者: E_abc | 发布时间: 2011-10-23 20:25| 查看数: 1711| 评论数: 2|

An Enfamily member summarized good and bad aspects of watching American TV series.一位“英语家人”总结了看美剧之好与坏。

The facts are all truly happened everyday, but I don't agree his/her conclusion.那些现象的确是事实,但我不同意其结论。

Literally you are not learning ENglish if you look at the caption while watching the program.瞧着字幕看美剧基本上你不是在学英语。

Somehow, you are cheating yourself. 某种程度上你是在自己欺骗自己。

However, without subtitle you don't understand what you are watching.但没有字幕你又看不懂。

I suggest that you find good movies which you want to watch several times.我建议你选择那些你想看多遍的好电影。

first time watch a movie with caption, and second time turn off the subtitle. 看一遍有字幕的,第二遍关掉字幕.

You may find you can understand a lot actually.你会发现你能看明白很多。

It doesn't matter you watch movies or sitcoms as long as you don't forget that learning English is your objective.看电影还是喜剧都无所谓,只要别忘了学英语是你的目标。

Have fun and learn something!看得开心并学点东西!


lillianwang 发表于 2011-10-25 21:32:47
Yeah, that's a good way to learn native english.
lillianwang 发表于 2011-10-25 21:32:58
Yeah, that's a good way to learn native english.
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