






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-10-27 20:39| 查看数: 871| 评论数: 1|


Clerk: Good morning.

Customer: Good morning. I need some information about commissions charged for the Peony Card service. Can you do me this favor, please?

Clerk: My pleasure. There's no charge for the transactions, such as deposits and withdrawals, as well as transfers at local network of the issuing bank.(在发卡行及当地分支机构办理存取款业务及转帐业务是免收手续费的。)

Customer: How about the charges for the service available in other cities?(那么在外地使用又是怎么收费的呢?)

Clerk: The service charge is 0.1% of the cash amount to be deposited, but 1% of the amount to be withdrawn. At least RMB 1 will be charged for one time.(在异地存入现金按0.1%收取手续费, 取现则按1%收取。每笔最低收取人民币1元。)

Customer: Is there any other fee?

Clerk: Yes, there's an annual commission required by the issuing bank(发卡行规定每年还必须交付年费。)

Customer: How much is it?

Clerk: RMB 80 is charged for annual commission of a Golden Card5, RMB 20 for the ordinary card6. RMB 10 will be charged for a card renewal due to loss or damage.(因卡遗失或损坏等原因,申请补办新卡时须交付工本费10元人民币。)

Customer: Oh, I see. Thanks a lot.

Clerk: That's all right. Good bye!


1. transaction译为"交易",是一种正式用法

2. local network 译为"当地网点"

3. annual commission 译为"年费"

4. Golden Card 金卡

5. ordinary card 普通卡



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