






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-10-28 08:19| 查看数: 2003| 评论数: 2|

Adriana: Shhh, I’m trying to listen to the radio.

Ralph: How can you listen to that radio station? All of their deejays have such funny voices.

Adriana: That’s precisely why I like it. Take this guy, Kevin. He has a deep, husky voice that I find really sexy.

Ralph: This guy? His voice is so monotone that it lulls me to sleep every time I hear it.

Adriana: Well, if you don’t like his voice, how about his sidekick, Lisa May? Her voice is music to my ears.

Ralph: She has a nice lilt in her voice, but it’s so high-pitched and squeaky. It can really be grating to listen to her for more than a few minutes.

Adriana: Okay, if you don’t like their voices, what kind of voices do you like?

Ralph: I like a gravelly voice, speaking softly and saying...

Adriana: I’m not talking about your fantasies. I don’t want to know anything about those!

Adriana: 我正在认真听收音机。

Ralph: 你怎么能听那个台呢?所有播放音乐的人嗓音都很滑稽。

Adriana: 那正是我喜欢这个台的原因。比如Kevin这个人,他的嗓音深沉而沙哑,我发现那很性感。

Ralph: 这个人?他的嗓音很单调,每次我听他说话都会睡着。

Adriana: 如果你不喜欢他的声音,他助手Lisa May的声音你认为如何?我很喜欢她的嗓音。

Ralph: 她说话语调轻快,但是声音又尖又短促,听她说话听几分钟就会感到很刺耳。

Adriana: 好的,如果你不喜欢他们的声音,你喜欢什么样的嗓音?

Ralph: 我喜欢沙哑的声音,说话轻柔。

Adriana: 我不是和你谈论幻想,我不想知道这些事。


曦文 发表于 2011-10-29 15:28:32
It's good for us.and thank you very much!{:soso_e100:}
goldheart 发表于 2011-10-29 18:12:44
deep, husky/monotone/sidekick/ music to my ears. / high-pitched and squeaky./grating/gravelly
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