





Aoi老师 突破口语第17课作业——第2组 Bruce

发布者: gaoyx | 发布时间: 2011-10-28 08:57| 查看数: 1641| 评论数: 1|

Nancy: Uh, do you have a budget? I mean, how do you keep track of your income and expenses?

Ron: Well, when my money runs out, I come to you. Of course. [Great!] No, but I guess I should have some financial plan.

Nancy: Well, let me see if I can help you. How much money do you spend on your apartment?

Ron: Uh, I pay $890 on rent for the studio apartment downtown . . . not including utilities and cable TV. But the place has an awesome view of the city.

Nancy: Uh, $890! Why are you paying through the nose for such a small place when you could find a cheaper one somewhere outside of the downtown area?

Ron: Yeah, I guess.

Nancy: Okay. How much money do you spend on food a month?

Ron: Hmmm. I'm not really sure. I think I spend around $600. [$600?!] Well, I go out to eat at least four times a week, so those expenses add up. I just don't enjoy eating alone, and I don't have a knack for cooking like you do.

Nancy: Well, I can understand that, but perhaps you ought to buy some microwaveable meals you could prepare at home.

Ron: Well, I guess I could.


lazyoldcat 发表于 2011-10-31 10:35:15
great voice. great speed. very fluent. a few words:

* utilities and cable tv: not clear

* city: sounds like thity

* six: sound like thix

* hundred: the way you read it is different

* well, i can understand that: i heard quite some 'r' sounds in it that are not necessary

with some more practice you will do it perfect in no time. 8.5/10
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