






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-1 17:58| 查看数: 1369| 评论数: 1|

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Guo Meimei, a young woman whose online displays of luxury severely damaged the credibility of the Red Cross Society of China, said her experiences in the past three months have caused her to “grow up five years”.


During an interview last Wednesday, the 20-year-old adjusted her bangs while looking at a live image of herself on her mobile phone and said she was "ignorance personified, with no interest in school and a love of luxury".


Despite her admission of immaturity, Guo has learned a hard lesson: all actions have consequences.


There is no doubt that Guo has been chastened by her experience. Whenever her name or image appears online, it provokes an outpouring of invectives.


Guo said that the animosity she has stirred up even led to thoughts of suicide.


"I feel like I am an enemy of the state," Guo said. “The truth is that I am just a stupid girl who did something really stupid. No matter what I say, no one wants to believe me. No matter what I do, nobody wants to forgive me. I didn’t break the law in any way. Would these people be happy if I died?”


Despite her boasts of wealth, Guo dresses just like any other 20-year-old who takes a fancy to fashion, wearing black high-heels and tight, torn pants. She said she had grown up spoiled by her mother and aunts, who had let her have whatever she had wanted.


Careful what you wish


While traveling in Thailand just before she turned18, she made three wishes. All of them, she said, came true.


Her first was to have a car when she reached adulthood. On her 18th birthday, her mother gave her a red BMW Mini Cooper as a birthday present.

她的第一个愿望是在成年时能拥有一辆车。在18岁生日时,妈妈送了她一辆红色的宝马Mini Cooper作为生日礼物。

Her second was to have 5 million yuan to her name before she turned 20. Now she owns two cars that are together worth nearly 3 million yuan, which, combined with her other sources of income, mean she has exceeded her goal.


Her wish last was to be famous. That, too, she has achieved.


"But trust me, it`s not the way I wanted it to be," said Guo, who has already acted in some small TV roles.


Micro blog mobs


Since causing the controversy, Guo has found that the people she meets in person are far less aggressive toward her than those who make comments online. She said micro blogs seem to have given “mobs” and people with “split personalities” an outlet for expression.


"People are just curious about me when they spot me on the street," she said. “But on the Internet, anyone who shows support for me is attacked with abusive comments.”


Online writers have taken to calling Guo a variety of names: show off, shameless, mistress, ugly and others. She said she deserves none of them.


Guo said that for more than a year and a half she has had a boyfriend, whom she declined to talk about because she wants to protect him from the public`s abuse. She said he has proved invaluable in helping her through this difficult time in her life.



叶子_2012 发表于 2012-1-14 17:17:26
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