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On 21st-century campuses, is there room still for traditional literature such as Shakespeare?


A declining number of students think so in the US–a trend that worries leaders at many top universities, where engineers often outnumber humanity students.


Seeking to reignite interest in the liberal arts, Stanford University last month welcomed the Class of 2015 with a rich opening volley of literature and philosophy. They are designed to elevate freshmen dreams beyond cool jobs, such as working at Google.


The 1,718 incoming students–nearly half of whom arrive intending to major in the sciences or engineering–listened to a lecture organized by the College of Humanities and Arts, where acclaimed author and physician Abraham Verghese praised the meaning, and opportunities, of a liberal arts education.


“We’re trying to break the idea that college is just something to get through on your way to a career,” said Debra Satz, associate dean for Humanities and Arts. “It is a gift.”


In the humanities’ heyday of the mid-60s, more than 1 in 3 Stanford students majored in languages, literature, the arts, history, cultural studies and philosophy. By 1995, only about 1 in 10 did–a figure that hasn’t changed much in a decade. Meanwhile, interest in engineering, math and computer science has climbed.


This trend is echoed in five decades of data from other schools such as Harvard, Princeton, Brown and Yale.


At a Stanford appearance last year, Geoffrey Harpham, director of the National Humanities Center, said the humanities must be reinvigorated and are critical to the US’ future. “The genius of this country,” he said, “is a program of education for all its citizens.”


But for students who came of age in the Great Recession, the siren song of science can be tough to resist. And as tuition costs rise, fewer seem willing to explore the question: How do I live a life of true meaning?


“I don’t see a lot of risk-taking,” Satz said. “Very few students are enrolled in courses like 19th Century France, or The Literature of Revolution.”


Economic anxiety is well-grounded, according to an analysis by Georgetown University. It shows that over a lifetime, the earnings of workers who majored in engineering, computer science or business were up to 50 percent higher than the earnings of those who majored in the humanities, the arts and education.


“Shakespeare wasn’t in it for the money. If you’re all about the money, I wouldn’t go there,” Satz said. But she added humanities students who go on to graduate school and land jobs in tech-intensive fields do just fine.


Of this year’s new students at Stanford University, 25 percent said they intended to major in the natural sciences; 21 percent plan to study engineering. Humanities were the primary academic interest of 17 percent.


Magdalena Barrera is a professor of American Studies in San Jose State University. She said there’s pressure from the family to major in something practical and lots of students are putting themselves through school.


“Many don’t recognize that skills like writing or critical thinking can open doors to good entry-level jobs,” she said.



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