





Aoi 第26课 周末爱情故事时间

发布者: AOI | 发布时间: 2011-11-5 11:25| 查看数: 11155| 评论数: 45|


E_abc 发表于 2011-11-14 21:50:45
Day 7:

Aoi: When will you come to pick me up?

Abc: You are challenging me or you are looking foreword to meeting me?

Aoi: I knew you would fool me around by talking nonsense about sunset just like those talking about oceans never went to a beach so if you could come, I would go with you.

Abc:You're smart, my lady. Obviously, I couldn't. But you know imaginary sightseeing is better than looking at reality. May I ask my lady to share imaginary sunset with me?


Abc: why not?

Aoi:because I like sunrise which always gives me hope and energizes me. Only old people like sunset which is beautiful but going down makes me feel sad.

Abc:Sometimes going down means preparing a new rise, a new beginning. Sunrise makes me feel enthusiasm and power, while sunsetmakes me feel quite and infinity. When I gaze at the moon and stars in the deep sky I feel calm and peace.

... ...

After a long silence Aoi said,"Would you bring me a meteor also?"

Shush, I'm the meteor, passing by and soon will disappear.

Aoi: You are such a hoodoo.

Hehe, yes, I am. Definitely.
E_abc 发表于 2011-11-14 22:14:14


zjl2552442 发表于 2011-11-14 23:22:42
E_abc 发表于 2011-11-14 23:43:18
This is a game and kind of a pulp fiction. I am sorry to drag Aoi into this. The purpose is only to show readers "we can do this."I am a Chinese educated in a Chinese college, and never spoke English during that period. Even now, my vocabulary is much less than some of you and words I wrote in the story probably in the limit of CET 6.

Use English as much as you can. You will grasp it. Some ladies and gentlemen say study hard and persistence.They are right but English is a language and if you never want to be a linguist, then why not just use it as a tool like chopsticks. Does anyone remember the transition period from using a spoon to using chopsticks? Just play with it, could be fun.

Aoi's English is much better and more naturalthan mine obviously. I really hope she could polish my writing.

Here is the closure:

Day 100:

Abc: One word turned out to be true.(一语成谶)

Aoi: Which one?

Abc: the accident.

Aoi: stop it.

Abc: ha, that's the word.

Aoi: which one?!

Abc: Stop it, you just said.

oh! I didn't mean..., you know what I mean.

It's better to end this way. No one hurts, no one cries.

No regret?

I regret all the time. People are just too proud to admit the truth.

... ...

take care then.

You too, take care.

... ...

Be careful on the street.

hehe, I will... Thank you, I will.
Mistyyang 发表于 2011-11-15 11:13:47
blythe 发表于 2011-11-15 14:40:42
eks 发表于 2011-11-15 15:14:10
E_abc 发表于 2011-11-17 21:37:36
Abc found that "eks" was secretly following every Aoi's move, online move of course.

How I know? I might tell you guys later, I might.
E_abc 发表于 2011-11-18 20:56:02
Eks is a freaking computer geek. Breaking someone's computer makes him feel high. Should he go after someone, the dirty secrets of that person would never be concealed.

"How is she?" Abc asked

"Like an angle." eks said.

"Send me her pictures."


"What do you mean no?"

"I mean no."

"Give me her phone number."


"address then."


You see, a life time friend from kindergarten turned me down for Aoi.
E_abc 发表于 2011-11-19 23:31:15
本帖最后由 E_abc 于 2011-11-19 23:36 编辑

I felt total lost when eks told me he was going to meet Aoi. My body wasfrozen and my mind went to blank. I held the phone speechless.

Eks is a genius kind. His brain runs as a computer, that is, only 1 or 0, right or wrong, so he lives in a simple world which only has black or white without knowing there is actually grey.

The reality which I know is grey, sometimes dark grey, sometimes light grey and most of the time, things get so complicated that we don't even know what kind of color they are. Our brains can't judge then we have to let our hearts to make a decision. Everyone has a balance in his heart.

How eks got the luck? It is so unfair.

"So you are going to see her?" finally Abc managed to speak.


"I asked you to help me, but you picked her over me. I thought we were friends."


"Yes what?! you stupid bustard."

"Yes." His mind is so simple that he never says unnecessary words.

"Go to Hell." Abc yelled to the phone and hanged up.
E_abc 发表于 2011-11-20 22:16:43
Abc was driving on the street in the morning from his apartment. Only one block away at a corner, all of sudden, an old lady appeared in front of his car from nowhere. He braked hard and saw the old lady felt on the ground. He got out of his car and rushed to the front where an old lady probably 80 years old lying on the ground just one inch from the wheel.

"are you ok?" he knelt one leg on the ground and asked desperately.

The old lady closed her eyes without response. People surrounding them started yelling at him but he couldn't hear anything.

In order to get his cell phone in his pocket, He stood up a little bit. Suddenly the old lady grasped his right hand so hard that Abc felt hurt.

Now he started to hear what people were shouting at him."Peng Ci! Peng Ci! It is your bad day, young man!"

His mind seemed back to work and now he felt the pain on his right wrist. When he looked at it, he saw she grabbed him so hard that her finger nails cut into his fresh.

It was at this moment, he knew what was really going on.

"Stay away,Call 120!" Abc shouted to the crowd. In fact, no one came close. They all keep a distance. "She needs CPR!" So he started mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

Her eyes widely opened at once and at same time she bit his lips. It was a real bite and he felt so pain that could taste his own blood. But he was smiling and yelling "still no breath!" then he put his hands on her breast, pretending push her chest.

"Get your hands off me!" She now sit up and tried to bite his hands.

When the 120 ambulance took them both off the street to the hospital, the crowd were confused and thought the old lady was crazy.

Inside the ambulance, She stared at Abc with her mad eyes."How you know?"

"Your finger nails are too fine to a poor old lady."Abc laughed so hard without realizing his lips were swelled up.

"Dare to take advantage of me, You dirty bustard. You have to pay."

Abc saw the paramedic took out a needle but he never paid attention to him.

She was screaming and he was laughing.Suddenly the paramedic gave him the shot. Abc fainted.

He woke up in his own couch at home. There was a note on the table.

"I will let you pay!" 
E_abc 发表于 2011-11-21 21:45:31
本帖最后由 E_abc 于 2011-11-26 21:39 编辑

The next day, a package was deliveredto my door by FedEx. In the paper box, I found a bloody finger in a plastic bag. I was so frightened that dropped the finger to the toilet and flushed it without second look.

After calmed down a little bit,I took out a note from the box with my shaking hands.

"Your next assignment is go to Paris and raise a big sign on the top Eiffel tower with 'I represent China occupy Eiffel tower!!' written on it . If you fail to do so, your friend Eks will have 8 fingers left. You have 48 hours."
E_abc 发表于 2011-11-22 22:03:40
本帖最后由 E_abc 于 2011-11-26 21:41 编辑

After awhile, Abc started to put himself together.

What kind of girl she is? he thought over. A daughter of a Japanese mafia boss? There are a lot of people on the planet wear masks, kind on the surface, vicious underneath, but she is so kind to help people learning English and her voice is so euphonious. I can't believe she herself is a mafia member. Maybe she has a very protective father. Stupid Moron Eks really lost his mind that went to meet her whom he knew nothing about. His big head only works on computer languages, equations. Literally he lives in virtual world, but in real society he is just like a baby. Look at what a mess he walked in.

When there is a problem, we all try to blame others. One thing Abc is different is that he thinks. He believes any problem has a solution if not many solutions.

Obviously she wants to take control and embarrass me, but I had only one choice: do what she asked me to do.

So he flight to Paris, bought a big piece of paper from a company which prints advertising images, wrote down what she asked on the paper and rolled it up. Everything was ready. He found still had some time left so he went to a cafe, sit down, had a cup of cappuccino.

He didn't want to fulfill her order too early for that would give her impression that he was too desperate. She might give him a tough task with little time in the future.He still didn't believe Aoi herself planned all of this, especially cut off someone's finger. Maybe that was not a real finger, he thought. He regretted didn'tcheck it carefully before cast it to the toilet.Maybe all of this is completely a joke?

Now everything seemed getting clear. He could image she was laughing, even Eks was laughing with her when they saw he raise this stupid sign "I represent China...."

He stood up, called the company where he bought the paper right away and asked them make him a new slogan in two hours at whatever the price.

At exactly 48 hours from he got the bloody finger, a giant fabric slogan hung on Eiffel tower from the top all the way to the middle. On it there was:


The medias and polices arrived at same time. "Who is the 'You'?" one corespondent asked.

"I have no idea!" Abc replied full of joy.
E_abc 发表于 2011-11-23 21:13:17
Only one phone call was allowed so Abc dialed Eks' cellphone number to make sure he was all right.

He played cool was kind of gamble and he played smart by following his instinct. When he did it, he was excited but afterwards he felt worried and regret. He really wanted to win over her and gave her some impressions but now he knew his bet was too high.

After it ringed quite a few times, each second waiting gave him worse feelings and his heart was getting colder. Finally it got through.

"Eks, are you ok?"

"You dare to call!?" a female voice, cold and threaten.He couldn't tell weather it was Aoi's.

"Just tell me he is ok! Look, I am sorry."

"OK?! let himself tell you."

There it came an extreme high pitch scream,so loud, so long, that everyone in the room was looking at Abc with startled eyes.
E_abc 发表于 2011-11-24 20:51:52
It's AOI's turn to tell us what hell is going on cause literally Abc was put behind bars now.


E_abc 发表于 2011-11-27 00:41:46
Here, Abc is begging for donation to help him pay 1.8 million Euro ( 15 million yuan ) fine. That cold-blood AOI doesn't care people's life or death. What she said is like an angle but what she did is like Satan. People, we really need to see by our own eyes and judge by our own hearts.

Help Him!


E_abc 发表于 2011-11-27 20:31:42
He loves China.

Thanks everyone who cares about him and donates money for him. You are very kind!

Some people asked me whether Jiayuan was OK? I told them Yes. But later I realized they were talking about 鲜花 not Canadian dollars. Anyone can tell me what is the exchange rate 鲜花 to 元?
AOI 发表于 2011-11-28 19:07:21
ahaahahahaaaah, ur last line almost got me killed right on the spot....ye jolly good fella.....ahahahahaha
E_abc 发表于 2011-11-28 19:49:50
While Aoi was laughing, ABC was interrogated by the police.

"我是李刚分局长。"The captain introduced himself in Chinese.

"Excuse me, what?!" Abc couldn't believe what he heard,"Votre Nom?您的名字?"

"Je suis Captaine Region."(我是分局长李刚。)

Now Abc got it. His Chinese with French accent was really funny. Abc just couldn't help laughing.

"You think this is funny?" Captain Ligang was getting angry,"Let me show you something."

3 interrogation rooms were shown to Abc.

The first has an electricity torture chair with many switches and wires.

There was a bed and a man in white coat holding an injector with a long needle in the second room.The guy's vicious smile made Abc extremely comfortable.

In the third room, all kinds of butcher tools were displayed on the table.

Abc's legs were shaking and his heart was trembling.

"Tell him his right."The captain gave order to a police.

"You have no right to keep silent. Your only choice is to tell us everything. Our policy is that tell the truth and you will receive a lighter sentence,while severe punishment to those who stubbornly refuse to cooperate with us."

"I know! I know!" Abc whispered breathless,"I'll tell you everything without any reservation.我坦白。"

"Good! Don't play with me! " Captain Region slapped on the table hardly,"You'd better answer my question directly or you are in big trouble. "

"Yes, of course!" Abc hardly held myself together,"Oui, Oui.是,是"

"Which terrorist group you belong to?" the police asked.


"Who is the leader?"


"Where is the headquarters?"


"Who is your direct contact?"


"Any secret code words?"


"straightanswer! Don't you dare play with me! !" Captain Ligang shouted to Abc's ear and slapped the table at same time.

"是, Yes, Oui, everything." Abc totally collapsed,


我们的联络暗语是Our secret code words are:

来人问: 鸡蛋多少钱一个? Ask: How much is an egg?

你回答: 五毛." Answer: Fifty cents.
E_abc 发表于 2011-11-29 20:38:57
本帖最后由 E_abc 于 2011-12-19 22:16 编辑

ABC was sentenced life in prison without parole.

Is Aoi going to save him?

Girl's heart, you never know for sure. Maybe she herself is not clear.

I really don't know what Aoi will do but let me tell you what Abc is doing.

He is singing in the prison cell:

Wherever you go

Whatever you do

I will be right here waiting for you

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