






发布者: Fred的思念 | 发布时间: 2011-11-8 00:35| 查看数: 1778| 评论数: 1|

Karen: Hey, Alex

[Door slams in her face.]

Karen: Ah, Alex. Let me in. Come on.

Alex: What do you want?

Karen: Are you interested in going on a blind date this weekend?

Alex: Oh no. I'm not going through that again. You can just nip that idea in the bud. No way. Forget it. Absolutely not!

Karen: Hey, no need to be sore and sensitive about that still. Gee.

Alex: Sensitive?

Karen: Uh-huh. [Hmph.} Well, if you REALLY want to get something off your chest, then say it. [Okay.] Go ahead. I hate it when you just beat around the bush.

Alex: Okay. Do you want the truth? [Yeah!] Do you remember that girl you said had a crush on me? [Yeah, Trisha.] Well, after hearing that, I was on cloud nine after the first date, thinking that this was the one, but then, she stood me up on the second date. I mean she led me on and then dumped me after that for some guy with a Harley motorcycle named Dirk.

Karen: Oh, Dirk Angel. [Whatever. !] Come on. It wasn't THAT bad.

Alex: Not that bad!? Women always say that men don't show their true colors until they get serious, but women do the same thing.

Karen: Hey, MEN can be real jerks, too, buddy boy. [Ahh.] I mean, they promise you the moon, they make you think they're Mr. Right [Now . . .], and just when you think you've found the one [Well . . .], they drop you like a rock when something new comes along. [Ahh.] Women shouldn't hafta put up with that kind of stuff.

Alex: Yeah, Yeah, but I think it goes BOTH ways in dating and marriage. You hafta be completely honest in a relationship, right? [Yeah.] And communicate openly before you decide to tie the knot, AND you can't give someone the cold shoulder and expect things to be all rosy. If you hurt someone's feelings, then you hafta work hard to make up.

Karen: AND there hasta be a certain amount of give-and-take.

Alex: Of course. Anyway, uh, yeah. Anyway, uh, what's the girl's name?

Karen: Ah, so you ARE interested . . .

Alex: Well, not really, but since you mentioned it . . .


lazyoldcat 发表于 2011-11-13 11:01:57
good reading. good speed. good voice.

xuan is fluent. fred is fluent too.

fred has good pronunciation.

xuan is good too. i do suggest xuan slow down a little bit and try to pronounce every words clearer.

thank you very much. 9.5/10
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