






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-10 17:46| 查看数: 933| 评论数: 0|

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Foursquare公司联合创始人纳文·塞尔瓦杜莱(Naveen Selvadurai)。

I Guess there was no better time to find out about the social-networking website Foursquare than on International Foursquare Day.


Billed as the world’s first social media holiday, it was held on April 16 (the four-squared day of the fourth month).

作为全球首个社交媒体节日, “Foursquare日”选定在每年的4月16日(因为4的平方等于16)。

With smart phone in hand, I went down to my local bar to find out what the Internet’s “next big thing” was all about.


Here was the first big change: Foursquare is one of the first social networking sites that require you to get off the sofa and out of the house.


At my local bar, I “checked-in” to find thousands of users from around the world that had joined me. People were checking-in at bars, restaurants and stadiums around the world to receive points and a special “badge” for the day.


In China, fellow users checked-in at places in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong.


Unlike other foreign social media networks, Foursquare is finding it’s foothold in China.




Foursquare is part-game; a social media interactive contest that requires users to check-in when they are at a bar, restaurant or any other public place. Using a smart phone, you simply launch the Foursquare app and the phone’s internal GPS tags your position. It’s a cinch.


For each check-in, Foursquare rewards points to your tally and sends an alert to your friends telling them of your location. Passers-by may also log-on to Foursquare to find out if a particular restaurant or bar is popular. The app keeps track of how many people have checked-in at a location each night.


Mike Fung is a media producer at an interactive agency and was one of the early adopters of Foursquare in Shanghai. He’s one of the people who helped “map” the city by checking-in at places for the first time.

Mike Fung是一家互动广告公司的媒体制作人,同时他也是上海Foursquare早期用户之一。通过在不同地点报到,他和许多爱好者一起绘制上海的Foursquare地图。

“There were very few locations, so I added a bunch,” Fung said. His friends jumped on the bandwagon, and the game began.


The check-in points separate the men from the boys. It’s also the aspect of the game that separates Foursquare from other social media tools.


When you check-in and accrue points, you get “badges” for certain behavior. For example, you receive a “Bender badge” for visiting the same bar four days in a row. A “Crunked badge” for hitting four bars in one night.

报到后,你会获得积分;并且根据你的状态发放不同的徽章。例如,你如果连续四天造访同一家酒吧,那么就会收到“Bender”( 狂饮者)徽章。如果你一个晚上造访四家不同的酒吧,那么就会得到“Crunked”(狂醉者)徽章。

Apart from the badges, the main feature that has every Foursquarer feverishly checking-in is the chance to become “mayor” of a particular place. If you check-in at one location more than anyone else, you are crowned ruler of the domain.


Part review site


Bars and restaurants are realizing Foursquare’s potential as a marketing tool and doing their best to become Foursquare friendly.


Chad Lager is the manager of Fubar in Beijing. He has started to use Foursquare to offer deals to passers-by.

Chad Lager是北京一家酒吧的经理,他开始试着在Foursquare上向游客们推销生意。

“I use the 'shout out’ when I’ve got live music,” Lager said. A shout-out notifies people when bands are playing nearby.


For added incentive, the Mayor of Fubar always drinks at half price.


This interactivity has cemented Foursquare’s popularity among bar and restaurant-goers. People can leave tips about the venue’s best meals and drinks and leave comments for fellow Foursquarers.


Ultimately, Foursquare is changing the way people socialize. Not only is it taking online gaming outside, and providing a fun and easy review site, but also it’s allowing new social interaction.



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