






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2011-11-12 11:00| 查看数: 1727| 评论数: 0|

16.Because the reading _____ in most college courses are very heavy, students should plan to read every day.

A. assignments

B. schedules

C. activities

D. programs

17.For long-time efficiency and happiness it is best to observe the _____ of health and sound working conditions.

A. principles

B. ideas

C. elements

D. factors

18. _____ their differences, they fell passionately in love with each other.

A. As for

B. Owing to

C. Despite

D. Through

19. _____ yourself to the job in hand, and you'll soon finish it.

A. Reply

B. Imply

C. Apply

D. Supply

20.This will not only keep the study habit alive but also keep you up to ___ on your class assignments and projects.

A. day

B. date

C. number

D. time

21.I can't _____ the meaning of his poem because it's too vague.

A. turn out

B. put out

C. figure out

D. look out

22.Some people think that animal research is irrelevant _ our health and that it can often produce misleading results.

A. with

B. at

C. on

D. to

23. These networks are on the _____ for warning signs that show the weakening of rock layers that can precede an earthquake.

A. eagerness

B. alarm

C. alert

D. guard

24. _____ it was raining, many international tourists were having picnics in the woods.

A. In spite

B. In spite of

C. In spite of that

D. In spite of the fact that

25. The students would not have made so much progress under less _____conditions.

A. popular

B. welcome

C. favorable

D. prosperous

26.The party has failed to _____ the majority of voters that it is capable of governing the country.

A. trust

B. credit

C. convince

D. believe

27. _____ driving around all day looking for somewhere to park,why don't you take a bus to town?

A. In spite of

B. Rather than

C. In place of

D. Other than

28.The kids are _____ be hungry when they get home-they always are.

A. obliged to

B. bound to

C. desired to

D. motivated to

29.All the characteristics that distinguish birds _____ other animals can be traced to prehistoric times.

A. to

B. between

C. for

D. from

30.When the city was _____, everyone knew that total defeat was certain.

A. cut off

B. cut down

C. cut across

D. cut out


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