






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2011-11-12 11:30| 查看数: 1288| 评论数: 0|

Western civilization arose in the Near East and spread eventually to North America and other continents. For two thousand years, however, it had been intimately associated with Europe. A mere peninsula of Asia, Europe is, except for Australia, the smallest of the continents. Its population, ever counting offshoots overseas, has never been more than a minority of mankind. Yet it has played a towering role in the world. The extraordinary length and irregularity of its coastline-a veritable lacework of bays, inlets, channels, and internal seas-and a rich system of riverways brought Europeans close to one another and gave them access to the rest of the world. Although it is situated in the same latitudes as Canada, Europe has a moderate climate and a fairly regular rainfall. The resources of the continent are sufficiently modest to exact effort and forethought and sufficiency ample to reward them. They have neither the luxuriance that makes man lazy and improvident nor the barrenness that makes him niggardly and takes away his hope.

56. The main theme of this passage is that------.

A. Western civilization arose in the Near East

B. Conditions in Europe favored the growth of Western civilization

C. The coastline of Europe is a lacework of bays, inlets, channels and internal seas

D. Luxuriance makes may lazy and improvident

57. The passage says that--------------

A. Europe and Australia are the smallest and next smallest continents, respectively.

B. Australia and Europe are the smallest and next smallest continents, respectively.

C. Asia and Europe are the two smallest continents.

D. Asia is older than Europe

58. Which of the following was not mentioned as one of Europe’s qualities?

A. Conditions were good for shipping

B. Resources were neither too plentiful nor to scarce

C. Western civilization arose in the Near East

D. The climate was not severe

59. The passage implies that--------does not have a moderate climate.

A. Canada B. Australia C. Europe D. Asia

60. The author feels that society progresses best when-------------.

A. conditions are extremely hard so the people hope to better themselves

B. the people can, through their labor, attain a comfortable lifestyle

C. the people live in luxury

D. the government has a strong but fair leader

Part Two (40 Points)


Complete each of the following sentences with a (compound) word derived from the one(s) given in brackets. (10 points)

61.Cheer up, you are not----to anyone in intelligence. ( inferiority)

62. The warm and sincere greeting from Peter was--------. (reassure)

63.Such a high price is------to attract large numbers of customers. (likely)

64. The couple expressed their----------thanks to the young man who had saved their son by donating one of his kidney. ( heart, feel)

65. As she is busy with her own research work, she feels------to give us any help. (power)

66.Because of my-----of the time, I got to the destination two hours late. (judge)

67.The-----curtains don’t go with the old fashioned furniture of the sitting –room. ( bright, colour)

68. “ to survive in prison” Nelson Mandela said,” one must develop ways to take----in one’s daily life.” (satisfy)

69. The man’s ---shocked all those present. (shame)

70.Living in a big house is comfortable, but the cleaning is quite-------. (burden)


Translate the following sentences into English (15 points.)

71.他说他勤奋学习不是为了实现自己的梦想,而是为了不辜负母亲的期望。(not so much…as to…)

72. 她既不忽视家庭,也不忽视工作,但此刻事业是一切。(mean)


74. 她越激动就越难以把自己的思想用言语表达出来。

75.只要能按期完成,有谁来做这项工作并不重要。(meet the deadline)


Write a short composition of about 150 words based on one of the texts. (15 points)

What is culture shock? What is it caused by and what are the major symptoms?


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