






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2011-11-12 13:00| 查看数: 1375| 评论数: 0|

41. “It’s no use having a dog without teeth”, they (British member of ICC) argue.

A. It’s no use having principles that nobody respects.

B. Laws without legal enforcement are useless.

C. A gentle guard won’t be able to keep trouble-makers away.

D. A dog without sharp teeth doesn’t frighten burglars away.

42. Rapport to most of us (Americans) is less important than performance.

A. In the business world, most of us think establishing close relationship with others is more important than going to performance with them.

B. Most of us measure our potential business partners by what they have done instead of what they say in their reports.

C. When we do business with others, whether they are successful is most important; relationship doesn’t count.

D. In business dealings, most of us pay more attention to the previous achievements of the other party than to their personal relationship with us.

43.What was a butterfly to do among bulls and bears?

A. It was absolutely impossible for a butterfly to win when competing with bulls and bears.

B. He was doomed to failure in the stock market because he was always expecting too much.

C. A person who couldn’t settle down on any job was sure to fail in the stock market.

D. As he didn’t have much money, he couldn’t be successful in the stock market.

44.I was going to gamble on their inspection ending there, before they dug deeper to my diaries.

A. I actually would take a risk, hoping their search would stop when they discovered the stamped broadcast scripts.

B. I bet that they would be satisfied with the stamps of approval and would not continue to search my suitcases.

C. I would pray that their inspection would be put off and they would never find my diaries in the suitcases.

D. I would depend on their being careless not to dig deeper enough in the case where my diaries were hidden.

45. After all, funerals are very democratic affairs.

A. After all, all the people who will attend the funerals are members from the Democratic Party.

B. After all, it is up to very individual to decide whether to attend the funerals not.

C. After all, funerals are occasions where little attention is paid to social status or class divisions.

D. After all, funerals are occasions where people can express their opinions freely.


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